Class: Who Has It & Who Does Not? Style - Not Background

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Lon Tanner, Feb 21, 2019.

  1. Emma Smith

    Emma Smith Veteran Member

    Jan 10, 2019
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    @Don Alaska I would say that it depends on how you view "where you were born". Does it refer to the actual birthplace...

    Where you took your first breath is where you were born - your place of birth.
    There's an accurate record for anyone born in a hospital.
  2. Emma Smith

    Emma Smith Veteran Member

    Jan 10, 2019
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    @Frank Sanoica IMO, Rosie O'Donnell far out-unclasses Roseanne Barr.
    The latter got her comeuppance, but good, when she sought to disparage Tom Selleck while interviewing him! Good job, Tom!!

    I have never been a fan of Roseanne Barr and didn't like how she behaved when singing the national anthem in 1990.

    Before she became famous, she was in a car wreck at sixteen, causing a traumatic brain injury and changing her behavior so much that she was institutionalized for eight months at Utah State Hospital. She also gave birth while there.

    I wish things had gone better for her with her new series.
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  3. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    How right you are !
  4. Holly Saunders

    Holly Saunders Supreme Member

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Wonder what the young ambitious actress saw in the much married millionaire actor ?....hmmmm..lemmme think now , yep must have been M̶o̶n̶e̶y̶ Class!!o_O:D
    Von Jones, Don Alaska and Bobby Cole like this.
  5. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Well, that's your interpretation of the word, but our is still the same as my last post. In fact, there are probably plenty of "classy" people that aren't kind, considerate and thoughtful...…...unless, of course, it's towards other "classy" folks like themselves.

    However, there are those that have the money to help others and most "classy" people have money and lots of it. Just go to Saks Fifth Avenue and you'll see all of them!
  6. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Apparently one persons idea of someone "classy" is different than another persons idea. If someone was to ask me, "are you classy?", I'd say "No way! Does that old boat or that old vehicle look like I'm classy? And, don't even ask about my personality (LOL)".

    When women wants a "classy" guy, they are looking at how he dresses, what he drives, where he lives and how much money he makes and how he talks. If the woman is a Christian, how the guy talks means a lot and that he is a Christian as well.
    When a man wants a "classy" lady, he wants a lady that will "make heads turn" at a party and, basically is just plain "hot" looking. If the guy is a Christian dude, he will look for a lady like himself...…...a Christian.
  7. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Ya know Cody, I really think you’d argue with a fence post! You know exactly what everyone else is saying but you simply decide to sit on your side of the table and argue. Nothing more, nothing less.
    You love to argue but the problem here is that you have inadvertently (or intentionally) written that nearly everyone on this very forum has very little if any class at all.
    Very few of us live in large homes and very few of us have “classy” cars. My wife and I have a truck, shop at thrift stores and use coupons at the market so by the playtime argument you are committing yourself to, you are saying that my wife and I have no class and might as well be trailer trash.

    No, don’t back up now. You wrote that we have to have classy cars and a classy boat and dine at the best places to have class. So, by that merit, my wife and I are just low rent vagabonds who simply know how to read and type.
    That’s some real argument you’re committing yourself to isn’t it Cody?
    Nice try though but naw, your evaluation doesn’t even come close to getting a rise but maybe you’re right in that you might not have any class at all but I know a bunch of po’ folk round heah in dis forum what does.
  8. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    When I say wife and I aren't "classy", I don't mean we act or look trashy. We simply don't have the looks or own the stuff that I would consider "classy" folks would.

    Heavens NO, I wasn't calling you folks that! HOWEVER, I have always taken it that "classy" people are very different than ordinary folks, like you, your wife, us and others on this forum. I have seen "trailer trash" type people and the mobile homes they live in. The mobile home looked like it was held together with Super Glue. We pass one such trailer park whenever we go to the Range and the sign outside, next to the street, says it's a Senior Mobile Home Park. I mean, it definitely looks bad!! I have told my wife, "don't sneeze as we drive by, some of those mobile homes just may fall apart." Then again, I've seem some utterly fantastic looking trailer parks with, what it seems like, very expensive mobile homes in them.

    Anyway, I wouldn't argue with a fence post, but, like yourself, I didn't get to be 69 and know some things about people. Actually, I have heard men say "now that is a really classy looking chick." She was dressed to the "T" in real perils, diamonds, stiletto high heels, etc.. Now, tomorrow night (Sunday night) on the Red Carpet of the Oscars and during the Oscars, people will definitely see "classy" people "in all of their glory". Won't they?
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2019
  9. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    “All that glitters is not gold. “
  10. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Very true, Yvonne. VERY true!
  11. Emma Smith

    Emma Smith Veteran Member

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Definition of class
    1a: a body of students meeting regularly to study the same subject Several students in the class are absent today.
    b: the period during which such a body meets
    c: a course of instruction is doing well in her algebra class
    d: a body of students or alumni whose year of graduation is the same donated by the class of 1995

    2a: a group sharing the same economic or social status the working class
    b: social rank especially : high social rank the classes as opposed to the masses
    c: high quality : ELEGANCE a hotel with class

    3: a group, set, or kind sharing common attributes: such as
    a: a major category in biological taxonomy ranking above the order and below the phylum or division
    b: a collection of adjacent and discrete or continuous values of a random variable

    c: SET sense 21
    d: a property of a geometric curve that is equal to the number of tangents that can be drawn to it through any point not on the curve A curve is said to be of the nth degree or order when any right line meets it in n points and of the nth class when n tangents can be drawn to it through any assumed point.— George Salmon
    4: a division or rating based on grade or quality a class B movie
    5: the best of its kind the class of the league
    6: a data type in object-oriented programming that consists of a group of objects (see OBJECT entry 1 sense 6a) with the same properties and behaviors and that can be arranged in a hierarchy with other such data types

    Also Merriam Webster

    Definition of classy " Merriam Webster Since 1828"

    : having or showing class: such as
    a : ELEGANT, STYLISH a classy clientele a classy hotel
    b : having or reflecting high standards of personal behavior a classy guy a classy gesture
    c : admirably skillful and graceful a classy outfielder

    The definition of "classy," - the very first sentence references the word, "class."
    Definitions in blue aren't included anywhere in the definition of "class."

  12. Lulu Moppet

    Lulu Moppet Veteran Member

    Nov 14, 2018
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    Cody: "Now, tomorrow night (Sunday night) on the Red Carpet of the Oscars and during the Oscars, people will definitely see "classy" people "in all of their glory". Won't they?"

    Not if the Kardashians are there!
  13. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    That's for sure :p
    Bobby Cole and Lulu Moppet like this.
  14. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I have not watched any of those kinds of awards in many years, and plan on continuing the tradition again this year.
    Don Alaska and Bobby Cole like this.
  15. Shirley Martin

    Shirley Martin Supreme Member

    Jun 9, 2015
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    We have a saying around here; He'd argue with a fence post then pull it up and argue with the hole.:D

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