Oceanix floating cities, on Geek.com Additionally, there is a floating island concept in Polynesia -- Seasteading Institute Can you see yourself living in such an environment? Clearly, your life would be controlled, in that someone else will decide what you need, and what's allowable. I'm thinking that those who are currently comfortable in an HOA environment might be able to adapt to such a life, but I don't think I would. In both of these concepts, the floating islands could be moved to other parts of the ocean, either to avoid dangerous storm events or, perhaps, for other reasons.
I want mine to be off the shore in Hawaii, or even along the Pacific Northwest Coast, and YES..YES..YES ! ! I DO think that I could live on one of these floating islands. I looked through all of the pictures, and they are not just a dinky little one family island, they hold 10,000 people, which is twice the size of most small towns here in the United States. They are climate controlled, and have flowers, gardens, and even trees growing on the islands. And I love the little flying “Bubble-boats”, too. I am surprised that I am even considering something like this, because I have been a person who mostly lived out of town, and on some kind of acreage, or at least not close to other houses, and enjoy being able to have privacy and a place to walk or ride my horses. However, now that I am older, and not as nimble as I used to be, I do not need as much space to live in, or to have to take care of. When I mentally contrasted living on one of these islands with living in a senior assisted-living apartment somewhere, the island is much more appealing to me, and something that I feel like I could still do and enjoy life. All of the tropical plants and greenery reminds me of my recent visit to Honolulu, and I definitely wanted to stay and live there, it was so beautiful. I wonder about the ability to make the islands safe from bad weather and things like hurricanes; but this kind of thing is something that a person has the possibility of experiencing , regardless of where you live. Some places have earthquakes, some have tornadoes, some have devastating blizzards, and some of the islands, like Hawaii and Japan, have active volcanoes to contend with. So, no place that a person lives is going to be totally free from weather and environmental dangers.
Nope, not if it was as small as those in the pictures...I have to have a lot of land, I can't feel hemmed in... BTW Fab new Avi @Yvonne Smith
I have always felt like I needed a lot of land around me, and to be able to drive places when I wanted to do that, and at your age, I probably still felt that way, too, @Holly Saunders . Now that I don’t drive very far anymore, and don’t even do the gardening and yard work that I used to do, and I think that I could get used to living somewhere that was close to the ocean, and that I could easily get around. Here is a short video that shows more of the islands and how they will be structured. PS, the avatar is my concession to the “selfie thread”, and is one I took in Hawaii when I was going swimming, and wanted to show Bobby that I was actually going to be able to wear swim shorts, and not be bundled up in long pants and heavy socks, and I just cropped it down to a presentable size .
Nope, although I kinda live on an island of sorts now, it is a BIG island. Living in Bush Alaska is very much like living on an island, and people who moved in there often had "Island Fever", that is, they felt hemmed in since they could not drive out of town. I would just feel too vulnerable being on a floating island no matter how safe they claimed it to be.
Ask Hank Johnson...He famously said that it's too dangerous to send more troops to Guam because they could cause it to tip over.
Dunno. I must admit that I like the idea of living in a situation like that if only for the experience but: There would be no place to have a wood shop and one would have to live in a very “political” environment. I write, “political” because like a gated or committee controlled community, a person would be restricted to whatever that committee deemed as being acceptable such as: type of grass grown or flowers planted or even the color of one’s mailbox would be stipulated. What days can we use a grill and between what hours can we mow the lawn or what kind of pet we can have. Places that have a separate “government” to rule over it’s community are kind of a no-no for me.
I saw gardens, but I am thinking that there were no pets or other animals, and no place for even small livestock like a family milk goat, let alone a pig or cow to barbecue (on the days we can use the grill); and after further consideration, I am pretty sure that these people are all vegans (or learning how to become a vegan), since even eggs and cheese would be hard to come by and expensive to have shipped in. I don’t see why a person could not catch fish, but other than that,I think we would have to live on fruit and vegetables, and only certain one of those. I don’t think that apple trees grow in the tropics.