If you are new to the Seniors Only Club forum, welcome. I hope you will come to feel comfortable here. If you are trying to figure out how to do something, or to determine how we like to do things around here, you might page through some of the threads in this part of the forum - the Notices & Announcements section - as well as in the Help Requests section of the forum. You will notice that some of the threads are highlighted, and always near the top of the list of threads. These are ones that cover issues that either I thought were of particular importance, or which may contain answers to frequently asked questions, so I have toggled them using what is called a sticky feature. All of the other threads will drop down or rise up depending on when they were last posted to. Many of these too, cover topics that might help you solve whatever it is that you're trying to figure out, so please page through them as well. I can't sticky every thread because that would effectively defeat the purpose.
Glad I read all this. After I signed up, I kept waiting for an email because I thought that's the way it works. And I never got one, so I felt sad. Then thought maybe I did something wrong and should try again. When I checked, I was all signed up. LOL. Thanks!!
Good thing that you read this, and came back, @Bess Barber ! Welcome to the forum, and if I can help out with anything, just message me. I am one of the greeters here, and part of what I do is try to help people out who are confused about how the forum works, and just need more information about something.
Imagine an old, old, man, going to a website like this... with tens of thousands of threads and posts... trying to be a part of the gang, but being thoroughly snowed under in abject confusion. C'est moi. My avatar and my name is my alter ego... long since past. Am interested in everything from politics, to astronomy. Graduated from Bowdoin, eons ago, as a "man for all seasons" and now am a seasoned old man. Looking forward to whatever comes next.
Welcome, welcome @Tom Young ! You sound like a well-educated and interesting person, and I am happy that you found our forum. I believe you will feel at home soon, and if you have questions about how the forum works, just holler, and someone will be there to explain it for you.
@ Tom Young You should feel right at home. We are often times confused about a great many things. Just jump in an post. I start with the New Post option on the top of the page and go from there. I'm sure you will find your own preferred method. Thanks for joining!
Welcome, Tom Young! Now, along with Thomas Young, who never left a stone unturned, we have seen the BACK of the Rosetta stone.