yep that's precisely what happened to us too Yvonne... ! There was no warning of it, we had torrential rain that day, and suddenly I saw this tornado heading towards us, it was on top of us before we could react at all... ( when I say us I mean me and my neighbours).. I was in the house alone! I thought I the whole house was going to fall on top of me ( 4 storey casa)...
@Shirley Martin I have lived where both are fairly common, and I agree with you. Tornadoes are scary, but you do get some watch or warning, the effects are fairly localized, and are gone quickly in MOST cases. Earthquakes arrive with no warning, and large ones are terrifying. There are many people here who are still suffering from PTSD after our 7.2 or so earthquake in November. Tornadoes rarely occur in the winter months, while quakes can occur at any time.
If you want to read about a catastrophic quake from California's notorious San Andreas Fault, read the fictional novel entitled: "The Last Days Of The Late, Great State Of California" (Curt Gentry). It's based on real possibilities and is very chilling! The Earthquake and Fire that destroyed San Francisco in 1906 was due to a fault slippage along the San Andreas. You can run from a Fire, a Flood, and a Tornado because you can see where they're coming from. Not so with an Earthquake! Hal
Just reporting another quake, same area of California, this one 6.9 , first reports. Looks like there has been quite a few there recently.
@Yvonne Smith - yea, had to check with Chrissy this morning, first thing I heard on the news when I woke up I received a message last night from her, (which I saw this morning) she did 'feel' it but she's OK - thank goodness
@Yvonne Smith - update from Chrissy, she needs to check outside that everythings OK, waiting to hear …………...
We had a 2nd quake yesterday that according to seismologist Dr. Lucy Jones, registered 7.1. HA HA! ...That "aftershock" was bigger than the first one, and it was longer in duration too! Dr. Jones called the 6.4 July 4 quake a "pre-shock". I was in my recliner when that one hit, and yes, it felt more intense, even though the epicenter was 85-90 miles away. Hal
It looks like there was also a small (2.4) quake near Fresno, and @Chrissy Cross might have felt that one, too. Hoping that she will be able to report in and let us know that she is doing okay. There was another quake near Ridgecrest early this morning, and this one was a 7.1; so it appears that the earthquakes are getting more severe.and there has certainly been a swarm of them in that area. You can see from the screenshot of the QuakeFeed that there are so many that you can’t even see all of them unless you zoom clear into that area of California. It seems to be at a midway point between Lon, Hal, Frank, and Chrissy , so they probably all can feel the quakes, and are hopefully far enough away not to have any damage. Still, it is a good thing to have some preparations (food and water)set aside in case a really large one hits in that area.
I don’t know about the 2.4. We have small ones every day. Last night was the worst. I felt Thursday’s also but last night was much stronger and lasted much longer...too long!! I was actually scared last night...