If I see him in a store near me, @Bobby Cole , he can have the aisle. In fact, he can have the whole damn store!
Yeah, he’s a biggun’ and he’s in the meat section but it looks like he may be looking at another kind of meat.
Okay, more thoughtless people. How about at the pool or in the gym? My wife will flat out tell folks that they need to take a shower before getting in the pool but a couple of them have gotten a little indignant about it. Then, there is always a guy who will set up 5 or 6 weight stations, do supersets and then leave the bars loaded up instead of putting the plates back where they belong for the next guy. Now, we cannot forget that along with Ken’s assessment of some ladies in grocery aisles, there are those ladies who will sit at a cable station at the gym and either talk for some major minutes on the cell phone bragging about their workout or sit there talking with another lady at another station but do no work. One gal went to sleep the other day whilst supposedly doing ab work on a crunch machine. And thennnnnnnn.......there’s the healthy guy who uses the handicap stall in the restroom or the guy who is so clean that he lines the toilet seat with paper but after they get off the pot, they leave the paper on the seat for the next person to clean up.
Oh, don't get me started on the women who "hover" over public toilets because they are afraid of germs...then end up peeing all over the seat.
Fat people walking 3 across in an isle with a corn dog in one hand a 32 ounce soda in the other completely oblivious to anyone else that want to get where they are going. Driving at a low speed in the 3rd. or outside lane of traffic blocking others that expect that lane to be driven at the posted speed. A man a strong after shave or a woman using a strong perfume when working out. Breathing strong odors ain't fun when exerting effort. Gotta love those that are mathematically challenged. Express line 10 items or less checking out a cart full when lanes are open for their use.
I haven't been to this area of SoC before but when I saw the title it drew me in. First, good OP @Ken Anderson. My most recent incident was being a victim of road rage. This person never thought that I might have children with me. I was so angry that I honked my horn at him. He in turn managed to find me and continued with his 'tripping' by following me almost bumper to bumper. I thought 'Okay, two can play that game.' and hit my brakes but that didn't stop him. So I slowed down and turned on my hazard lights and came to a complete stop. That pissed him off and he drove on pass. This all happened on very busy main streets where traffic was heavy. I see a lot of thoughtlessness happening while driving. Not using turn signals is another; swinging the car door open causing drivers to swerve to avoid an accident are two that I've encountered the most.
In California, it was legal (or so I was told by a member of the California Highway Patrol) for someone on a motorcycle to to travel between the lanes of stopped traffic during a traffic jam, at least far enough to get to the next exit. However, this would anger stopped drivers in cars so it was always necessary to watch for some idiot who might open his car door to prevent you from thus passing him.
People talking on their Smartphones all the time in public raises the hair on the back of my neck. I actually grind my teeth over this.
Interestingly, although my roof rake was stolen more than ten years ago, I just found a new roof rake leaning up against the back of my house. Of course, I had long ago replaced the roof rake that had been stolen, and that's not it. The only thing I can think of is that someone was feeling guilty about having stolen my roof rake. Anyhow, there it is. If they walked down my driveway with it, which would have been the most direct route, none of my cameras were pointed at them, but if they came in along the other side of the house or from the tracks in the back, they'd have been caught be more than one camera. Now that it has been replaced, I don't know if I even want to know who it was, however.
It’s kind of a two edged sword isn’t it. The stolen rake was replaced. Good for the them for feeling penitent and replacing it. Alas, what happens when whomever it was feels devilish again and needs something else? Time for another camera?
empathy ĕm′pə-thē noun The ability to identify with or understand another's situation or feelings. The attribution of one's own feelings to an object. the intellectual identification of the thoughts, feelings, or state of another person The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.