New Guy On The Forum. Voting

Discussion in 'Politics & Government' started by Ed Marsh, Jun 1, 2020.

  1. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    At last! Levity! Good One Ed! Your parents were each other no less!! LOL...Yup, disqualified.

    Let’s see, cup of coffee...check. Back to basics.....check.

    I’m lost again so do help me out.
    Just to make things perfectly clear, I really do not care whom you vote for. It’s a moot point and has nothing to do with the previous conversation nor especially the last couple of posts.

    Ya see, at one point you wrote that you taught more students than I over the period of 40 years but you have no way of proving that so it’s just conjecture on your part. Imagination. Objective reasoning based on no knowledge.
    Still, whether true or not, it is indeed your privilege to make such an accusation as long as you do not attempt to label it non-fiction without some fact checking first. We wouldn’t wish to be caught with our proverbial pants down now would we? I mean, if you do not care then you could qualify for one of CNN’s or CNBC’s writers but you do not really wish to be placed in that category do you? Fish stories yes, flagrantly false news, no.
    I do digress again. Please forgive.

    What I am getting at is that you wrote that you see the truth and say the truth when in fact, your aforementioned indictment might be totally false. You do not know the truth in this instance so how can I trust that you see and say the truth when it comes to our mutual President?
    You and I are so much closer than you and the President are but yet you openly published a possible falsehood concerning my years in the workforce for which you have absolutely no knowledge.

    On the lighter side, in some ways, I understand your need to write fish stories. Hey Ed, have ya ever caught yourself on a hook whilst casting? I haven’t but I do have to readily admit that I have caught folks who stand too close.
  2. Lon Tanner

    Lon Tanner Supreme Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    After reading ALL of your posts Ed I guess it's safe to say that you dislike Trump. How are you going to handle his huge win in the coming election?
  3. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    That’s “ Uge” win .....Uge!
  4. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    I realize this is heresy on this forum, but I'm beginning to wonder if he will have a 'uge' win... or a win at all. I know plenty of conservative-minded people who are not sure whether they want to support Trump this fall.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2020
    Lois Winters and Bobby Cole like this.
  5. Ed Marsh

    Ed Marsh Veteran Member

    May 30, 2020
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    Good evening to all-

    Bobby- yes, I have done self-surgery to remove improperly placed hooks on a number of occasions.. The most recent "hookectomy" I did on myself was last week when an active big old bluegill I caught managed to set the front treble hook of a Rapala in my left hand. Hurt like blazes.
    And Bobby- not that it matters, but if you taught more students than I did over the past 40 years- I'd like to shake your hand. I worked in small, understaffed public schools in which classes of forty or more kids were not at all uncommon. and when you count in the folks I taught in college night classes- well, I got to work with a lot of students. Again, not that it matters.

    Lon- If that vile bloat of a man wins again, I will do exactly what I am doing now- telling the truth and opposing him in every way I can. He is not and never will be MY President.

    Yes folks. I do expect in many ways we are all much closer than it might appear. In many ways, there really are not so many differences possible. But the differences we have... well, as Sly Stone sang, "Different strokes for different folks."

    good evening- Ed
  6. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    It’s not heresy at all Beth.
    I can understand the hesitancy some folks feel but just like those who voted for Hillary because they just didn’t like D. Trump, I think there will be those who cannot vote for any other Dem because there really isn’t anyone better than D. Trump. They didn’t like Hillary either but she’s a past senator and wife of a past president yada-yada so she has to be better than a TV show billionaire. Rhetoric but nonetheless almost effective.

    Of course, there’s one gal out there who said that even if Biden cut up little babies and ate them she would still vote for him but those kind of whack jobs are few and far between the norm.
    Still, it is going to be interesting how many people throw their support for Biden who is obviously suffering from some sort of mental handicap. Somehow, some folks are equating the presidency of the U.S. with a popularity contest when it should be about who can do the best job of bringing this country back where it was (and climbing) just a few months ago.
    Beth Gallagher likes this.
  7. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Pete--are you simply a Trump hater, or do you actually support the Democratic policies on open borders, medicare for all, Socialism, etc? I can't ever seem to get an anti-Trumper to speak to the actual issues; they are too busy spewing hate for Trump. I want to hear some actual thoughts beyond "orange man bad."

    As a resident of a border state, I am firmly in the "Build That Wall" camp because we are being overrun. What is the point of immigration law if we don't enforce it? We are a sovereign nation with laws; why are some people so intent on bringing that down?
  8. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Actually, Bobby... you may be aware that I was one who voted for Hillary because she "had to be better than a TV show billionaire." :D I regret that vote but it was rock-and-hard-place as seems to be the new norm in our national elections these days.
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  9. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    No, not your President of “choice” but he is the President of your country and the one placed in authority no matter what you may believe.
    My stepmother wasn’t my choice and was definitely not my mother. That said, she was the one endowed with authority so I either enjoyed or suffered under that authority. That was my choice to make.
    Same thing.
  10. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    No harm. Yvonne’s daughter voted the same way and apparently for the same reason but I still love her.
    Beth Gallagher likes this.
  11. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Haha, I hate to admit that but it's a fact. I also voted for Bill, TWICE. I actually thought Bill was a very effective president, if a bit short on morals. But that was then, and this is now.
    Tom Galty, Bobby Cole and Ed Wilson like this.
  12. Peter Renfro

    Peter Renfro Veteran Member

    Sep 13, 2018
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    We want the same things, just differ on how to get there. I want solid borders. I just don't want to make these poor bastards lives any harder than it needs to be. I mean to go after the American employer, from the largest packing plant right down to the soccer mom hiring a guy out of a Menards parking lot. Make every university, employer,responsible for their sponsors. Mandatory immediate reporting for any visa that falls out of compliance. We are in a lot more danger from those big planes that are shuttling thousands of unknown in,out and around our nation than we are a bunch of Okies from South of the border
    Yes I do want medicare for all. Medicare is a well run program for the most part, just open it in increments, the existing companies could contiue to offer their advantage plans and would make a ton of money doing it. 144 bucks a month from every sound person is a lot better than the way things work now.
    What socialism do you mean? Capitol S Russian socialism, or lower case s, the form of socialism that most of the world practices,a kinder more caring society where the winners make sure that the losers aren't cut to the quick.
    Government ownership or business,no, but capitol and industry needs a sharp eye. For instance why do we allow export of raw resources? Noting should leave our shores, especially taxpayer subsidized Lumber and petroleum , with out value added process of several levels.
    I am strong union, without labor there is no capitol.There is no CEO that is worth a thousand times what his maintenance men are making. Industry in their lust for profit has forgotten that labor does not ask for much, A decent wage,able to afford a home, a car, movies or a night out a couple times a month, a couple weeks of vacation.Pay him enough to have a small savings account and to feel good about himself. He will spend every penny he earns,and if all workers are treated in form the economy will boom. Industry needs many times to be forced to do the right thing. How many broken damns,Love Canal, Centrailia Pa,s, Three Mile Islands, do we need?
    Nancy Hart and Beth Gallagher like this.
  13. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Thanks, I appreciate the response and I agree with a lot of your comments. I believe we need to stem the tide of the huge numbers of undocumented aliens who enter the country illegally every single day no matter how they arrive. I agree that any individual or any company hiring them should face penalties for undocumented labor. One of my sons-in-law is a brand-new American citizen, after entering the USA on a work visa from Mexico and going through the proper channels for citizenship. No illegal should "cut the line" in front of individuals going about it the lawful way; they should be deported immediately.

    I'm not sure about the Medicare for all but something must be done about health care in this country. Another important issue to be addressed should be pharmaceuticals and the grip Big Pharma seems to have on congress.

    I am also a strong union supporter; in my opinion the loss of labor unions signaled the death of the middle class in this country. I have worked in and around the petrochemical industry my entire life, and I know the value that a union adds whether people agree with that or not.

    First and foremost, we are all Americans--and we all want the best for our country. I wish that we could do away with the 2-party system entirely and the corruption in government... but that's a pipe dream. We should hold politicians accountable and require them to work together for the common good without all the partisan bickering and rhetoric. Then institute term limits.

    I am so tired of the election booth decision of "lesser of two evils." I stand there thinking, "this can't possibly be the best our country has to offer." I can't stand Trump the man, but I'm afraid of the alternative. I never thought I'd see this country so divided. Getting Americans to work together for the common good is a pipe dream, since everyone has an opinion about what is "best" for all. And so it goes.
    Peter Renfro likes this.
  14. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I have definitely thought that things have been better for the last four years, at least as far as how well our president has done his work at being the leader of our country. In spite of opposition for the whole time, and having to deal with attacks that no other president has had to survive, he has just kept on trying, and making things better for Americans, even in the face of the unwarranted attacks.

    With this latest attempt to stop his re-election, by throwing the whole Unites States (and many other countries) into chaos and rioting; I am certainly not happy with how things are going at this time.
    I listened to a Seattle government authority question why “anyone would object” to looters destroying businesses and stealing things before burning the business down.
    Since most of this destruction is happening in lower-income , mostly black neighborhoods, it is pretty obvious that this is the target for the attacks, and people who live in these neighborhoods now have no place to buy groceries, and maybe even no homes anymore.
    Regardless of how many pictures that they show of supporting black people, it is those same black people who are losing their home and businesses to the riots, led by liberal white protestors.
    I am totally against anything that divides our country, or our people , whether it is by race, gender, or religion. All of us are human beings, and when left alone, most of us get along fine with each other.
  15. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Does it occur to others that these racially-motivated crimes and the following riots are happening in areas that have been overwhelmingly Democratic for years? Makes you go, hmmmmm.

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