Update.Doing good except arms an hands. Increasing the steroid and putting me on a bone med to prevent bone loss. I have lost 40 pounds since Feb. The meds had increased my rate of weight loss and this scared me. Bottom line . I am just going to lose for a bit. Other that I am great still. Go back in a month
Wow, 40 pounds is a lot, Gloria. Is your doctor concerned about that? I'm so glad you are feeling better.
Dang it..my hands still cramp up bad, so have been wearing some old hand braces from few years ago when wrists would act up. They do help.But foot and hand cramps are painful. I think my weight is stabilizing. I have been eating more than I want to keep from losing and seems to help. Today starts me staying put for a free days. Only because have been out and about...masked for three weeks . I got hair cut today just Incase of another lock down. I look like Jamie Lee Curtis..as in Short....But it will grow and my hair dresser was totally out of it today.
Was not sure where to put this.. I have been up almost all night. I can not go to sleep. I have been sleeping good and getting up at decent hour..5-6am. Nothing is bothering me, I feel fine, but nada nothing has hepled. This lack of sleep throws me of track all day. Sigh So here I am at 3:35 surfing through the forum
That's awful Gloria, I've improved with a cup of warm milk half hour before bed and wiggle your toes gently when in bed - sweet dreams, I hope xx @Gloria Mitchell
Just catching up with your diagnosis, Gloria. Glad all is working out for you except for your hands at night. I get painful cramps in my hands at night when I am holding a book and reading. But, I have Rheumatoid Arthritis which is slowly progressing. I try to stay away from anything other than aspirin if I can.
@Patsy Faye and @Lois Winters Never actually slept but I feel fine.Not sure what or why this is happening. The cramps are all day issue ad distorts my hands beyond use. The hand braces do help so try and keep them on. The medicines are causing this I am sure. Trying to just hang loose and see what happens by 7-30 when I go back to doctor.I have managed to stop losing so much weight.trying to maintain for a while. As glasses, shoes and etc. all geting too big. I can never get a normal disease only the weird ones.
I have always been a night owl, but since this corona virus hysteria and all the other stuff going on, I have a really hard time going to sleep at night. Nowadays it is not unusual for me to be awake at 4 a.m., which is very annoying. Of course I have nowhere to go so it isn't a big deal, but it's aggravating to fall into this new pattern. I sleep well once I've finally dozed off, which is good.
@Beth Gallagher ... for me a lot of this always starts with time change I get myself on a schedule and then the time changes seems like it takes forever for me to get back normal. I don't mind being up early because I get my errands done before noon especially with hea and all this other mess. But when you wake up at 12:30 and finally get up at 2 it just makes for a very long weird day and my eating is weird then. I still think it may have something to do with all the medicine normally I sleep pretty dadgum good
I used to go to bed around 2 and get up at 9 or so; now it's 4 a.m. till 11. That makes it seem like half the day is "wasted," though I don't have anything to do anyhow. My problem is that I just can't get my brain to shut the hell up and go to sleep!
So that accounts for it and spares me the question of what makes you "spook" here on SOC at a time when you should be fast asleep? Just hoped Morpheus got you tonight but I see you are logged in...