Richard Berryman owns a six story apartment building with 24 apartments. He refuses to rent to a Black family named Portman consisting of Mr. & Mrs. Portman and their 10 year old son.
If he is refusing to rent to them because of their race, then he is racist. If he is refusing to rent to them because they have poor credit, are unemployed, etc., then he's a good businessman. If all the apartments are currently occupied, he is not racist but simply has no vacancies. If his property is adults only, he is refusing them based on the child. You need to provide more details if you want a serious answer.
The point I was trying to make is that many people who hear that the Black family was not accepted as tenents might call the land lord a Racist Without knowing all the facts. and why would it be their business to know all the facts?
Any one that would make a judgement based on that amount of information probably would score extremely low on an IQ test. Having a valid opinion hinges on facts. If you want to express that opinion you need to have more than "cause thats what I think" in your quiver
The “who, what, when, where and sometimes why” are indeed missing from the query including what race the landlord is. Fill in the blanks Lon, and no question even be asked.
Hi, I'm a new member and happened to see Lon's post. I agree with everyone who said more facts are needed before a conclusion can be drawn. I would also say that if someone points out that the rejected family is Black, it seems to imply that race is a factor. Otherwise, why bring up the family's ethnicity? As a side note, I'd like to say we, as a nation, seem to be trying to come to terms with racism. I'm happy to see that, and the process is messy. There's a lot of defensiveness. Ultimately, to me, it doesn't seem that complicated: Treat others the way we, ourselves, want to be treated.
I live next door to a Russian, and we are good friends, they're the nicest people you'll ever meet. We also have several other ethnicities in our neighborhood. Never a problem - and something I never think about at all. Remember Dr. King said "It's the content of a person's character that counts."
This is the kind of reporting you will see in the liberal media. Just a few facts but not all just to stir up controversy.
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