Though clocks in some areas around the world will be turned back an hour I thought it would be entertaining to see what time it will be where you live at 2:00 a.m. or whenever on Sunday morning/afternoon/evening or even before then. I'll set our clocks back at midnight so it will be 11:00 p.m. I have a lot of battery operated analog clocks to set. Also remember to change the batteries in smoke detectors.
Our summer time ended a week ago and me and my dog are still finding it difficult to adapt to normal winter time, i.e., we are getting up one hour too early. Is does not save energy as the name still suggests, though. Right now it's 1 pm here at my end.
I know, I know. That happens to me every time. When it crosses my mind why am I so sleepy or why am I still awake, it dawns on me it's that time change.
We really don’t have much to reset. The bedroom clock (for some strange reason) thinks that it lives in the UK, and it changes itself along with the clocks from that part of the world. Since it will be correct in another week when our clocks change over, we just ignore the bedroom clock and let it be an hour slow for the week. All of the electronic devices change themselves, and we never set the clocks on the coffee pot or the microwave, so nothing to change there. The only one that Bobby has to change is a battery operated wall clock, and he does that whenever he remembers that it needs changed. Since we both wear our Apple Watches, we very seldom even look at the wall clock anyway, and would probably never know the difference if Bobby didn’t re-set it. Back when we did have to reset clocks, we always did it before going to bed on Saturday night, so usually around 10-11 PM.
Well there was that, uh, and something needed to be uh, and then I, uh,. Heck, if I didn’t want to do whatever it was yesterday, what makes me think I would want an extra day of procrastination. I’m retired so procrastination is now part of my daily routine.
There is nothing quite so pointlessly irritating to me as the "time change." I'll be sulky for a month.
I hate daylight savings time. We have about a dozen clocks that my wife nags me to change the time on, and by the time I get to them all, it's time to change them again. I wish they'd just leave time alone. How hard can it be to remember that it gets dark earlier in the winter? Houses have lights. Schools have lights. Cars have lights. In most places, streets even have lights. What does it matter? If it does matter to your business or to your school, why can't you just change your own hours of operation during the winter?
It's like the guy who had a blanket that was too short. So he cut some off the bottom and sewed it to the top.
That's a good point. When I was working it was always dark when I left for work and getting dark when leaving for home. The only real time I got to see daylight was to go outside in the freezing cold or to look out a window.
Standard time goes into effect at 2 AM. I hate getting up that early to turn the clocks back but I guess I have to.
I quit doing that 2AM stuff because it was a pain. Should I stay up until two to set the clocks or just set my alarm clock to make sure I get up on time to go to work. Sheesh.