Do You Believe In Ghosts?

Discussion in 'Conspiracies & Paranormal' started by Jenn Windey, Jan 23, 2015.

  1. Jenn Windey

    Jenn Windey Supreme Member

    Jan 22, 2015
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    I saw a ghost, at the time I did not know it was a ghost. I was not afraid because I thought it was a real person, that is till they faded away right before my eyes. Since then I have always had an interest in the paranormal. I started ghost hunting way before the Ghost Hunters did. I have had some success in evidence gathering but not a lot. I have a nice collection of EVP recordings from a few places I have went to.

    have you ever had a paranormal experience that made you wonder what the heck just happened? have you ever recorded something inadvertently that just made your hair stand on end?
    Alice Williams likes this.
  2. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    A few, but they were so fleeting, and not something that I could identify as being paranormal with any certainty.

    I grew up in a small town that had burned the same summer as the Chicago Fire. At least a large part of the town burned and when they rebuilt, they moved the town a mile and a half, to be closer to the railroad and the highway, both of which had bypassed the original town. My parent's house was nearer to where the original town had been, since it was the town center that burned, not the homes on the fringe.

    Across the road from my house was a woods. Within this woods was the old town, or what was left of it. There was some track from a railroad spur that led from the railway to the original town, and one of the old hand-cranked handcars still sat on a section of the track that was left. There were foundations of houses, and everyone's orchards had gone wild so, in the middle of the woods, there were apple, cherry and pear trees, as well as grapes climbing over some of the trees. We played there a lot, and built shacks on the foundations of the old houses.

    In another part of the woods, a ways away, there was a bit of road left, with a couple of houses still standing. The road wasn't such that anyone could drive on it without a four-wheel drive, but it was there. When I was twelve, two of my cousins and I went into those houses, both of which were unlocked. One was empty and sort of boring, but the other one was full of stuff, as if the family that lived there had simply vanished. There were newspapers and magazines from 1915 and 1916 sitting on the coffee table, so someone had lived there for more than forty years after the fire, which was in the summer of 1871. All of the furniture was in the house, and the pantry was stocked. My cousins were all over the house, looking for things to take, but I just felt creepy. I felt strongly that we shouldn't be there, not because we had no right to be in that house, for any legal reasons, but I felt that we were violating something stronger than that.

    There were photos of a man in uniform and, walking around the house, in the master bedroom, I found a flag folded in the tri-fold pattern, such as that which is presented to the widow (or mother) of someone who had been killed in battle. Thinking back to the date on the newspapers, I guessed that the man who owned the house, or possibly a son of the family who lived in the house, had been killed during World War I. Obviously someone had been left, because someone had stored the flag in the dresser drawer. Why they left without taking anything with them was something I couldn't figure out.

    But I felt strongly that we shouldn't be violating that house. I was able to talk my cousins out of stealing anything from the house, although they probably came back and did that later, since they were wholly unaffected by any of it.

    Okay, that wasn't necessarily paranormal, but it wasn't normal for me to be all that touchy-feely about stuff like that. Such a sense of decency was not inherent in my personality. I thought about that house for a long time afterwards, but never went back to it. Strangely, my dad, who had come to Wallace when he was four, I think, seemed not to know what house I was talking about. Of course, he wasn't there at the time of the fire, since he wasn't that old.

    More on the paranormal side, we lost a cat named Bird a couple of years ago. We were living up north, near Maine's border with Canada, at the time, and she must have been taken by a fox or a coyote. I had fed her as a feral cat for the first several years of her life, and she had lived with us since we moved to Maine. She was twenty-three. Even at that age, she was the most playful cat I've ever had, always knocking toys around the house.

    While we were at our house in Millinocket, she loved to knock toys down the stairs, especially balls. She'd pick the ball up in her mouth, carry it to the top of the stairs, and toss it down so that she could watch it bounce, over and over.

    While we were still living up north, I would come home to check on the house from time to time, staying a few days at a time. Since my wife was working up north, I came back to Millinocket by myself a few days after we lost Bird. I was in my office downstairs, on the computer, when I heard something bouncing down the stairs. Since I hadn't brought any of the cats with me, that was very strange.

    I went to the stairway and found a cat toy at the bottom of the stairs. I went up stairs thinking, of all strange things, could it be that Bird was not killed but had instead traveled 250 miles back home? Even then, how would she have gotten into the house? There was nothing upstairs.

    An hour or so later, I heard something bounce down the stairs again. Investigating, there was just the same toy that had been there before. For some reason, I picked it up and carried it upstairs. An hour or so later, I heard it bouncing on the stairs again. Sure enough, it was on the bottom of the stairs. That was the last I heard from it though. Was Bird saying goodbye?
  3. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    What were the circumstances? What did it look like?
  4. Fredrick Jones

    Fredrick Jones Veteran Member

    Jan 23, 2015
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    I have seen ghosts before, when I was younger, because of my work, I would get sleep deprived. I was working extensive shift work and the shifts would swing from night to day every week.

    Sometimes when the shift would swing from day to night, I would go to work without sleeping for the previous 24 hours. I would be tired, but I couldn't sleep. During those times it would be common to see "ghosts" or things that you knew where not real.

    The other guys I worked with said the same thing happened to them.

    Some of them where really realistic though. One time I saw two guys, I reached to touch them, my hand went throught them. I knew they where not real, but they wouldn't go away for like 5 minutes. It was more annoying then scary.

    That is why it is now illegal to work people like that
  5. Richard Lee

    Richard Lee Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2015
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    I have real problems with ghosts - well, the belief of ghosts anyway. I always try to keep an open mind, but I struggle with ghosts. Where I live it is very animist - every house has a spirit house (even government buildings, banks, police stations) - where every day they are given food and drink - and on Friday's they are given a red coloured drink. Thais absolutely believe in ghosts - they have many different types (some are benevolent and some are malevolent!) - ghost are blamed for everything here.

    Example. I once rented a house here - it was a large house (for Thailand) with 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms and 2 stories. The drive was quite long and gated. The bell did not work, so I had a look at it. It turned out to be mains powered (never a good idea in Thailand - not exactly a safety conscious society!) but had been disconnected. So I reconnected it and it worked.
    That evening, still sorting out moving boxes etc, it started to rain. About an hour after, the bell started going off on its own - there was no one there!

    OK so with that limited amount of facts do you 1. think the bell is shorting in the rain and was probably why it had been disconnected, or 2. think there is a ghost trying to stop you moving in? Well, not one of the Thais opted for door number one - even though I explained and showed that disconnecting it again stopped the ringing, and no ghost smart enough to use the door bell would shy away from knocking on the door instead. I have given up after 6 years - I just nod and agree now.
    Bobby Cole and Richard Paradon like this.
  6. Michelle Stevens

    Michelle Stevens Veteran Member

    Jan 24, 2015
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    In September my Dad went into hospital for a big operation, lasting over six hours. After the operation the surgeon was very happy with how things had gone, but later told us that my Dad's blood pressure was extremely high. When we saw him in the intensive care unit that night he was very stressed and was trying hard to pull away the bars on the bed as he wanted to get out.

    We were so concerned by his condition that my Mom phoned his nurse a couple of times during the night. On both occasions she was told that his condition was much improved. Then, at around 6:30 the next morning, I woke with a start, believing that I'd heard my Dad's voice at my bedroom door calling my name. As the nurse had said he was doing well, I dismissed it as just a dream.

    Later that day when we went to visit him, we discovered that my Dad had had a very severe stroke (though the nursing staff weren't aware of it until after we told them something was wrong). He passed away the following evening without ever regaining consciousness.

    Although I've never really believed in supernatural things I keep wondering if the moment I heard my Dad calling me was the moment when he had the stroke. The doctors weren't able to tell me when it happened, so I guess I'll never know.
  7. Nikos Pine

    Nikos Pine Veteran Member

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Oh that is so creepy. I always wonder if there are ghosts around us all the time, we just do not see them, but sometimes they slip through. You hear about to many people having experiences with seeing and hearing things for it not to have some truth in it! I believe I have seen a ghost myself when I was younger, but who knows! Still very creepy to think about, but I do not think they will or would hurt us even if they could.
    I have seen quite a few of those ghost shows, its usually something different when people are getting hurt and the such.
    Alice Williams likes this.
  8. Pat Baker

    Pat Baker Supreme Member

    Jan 22, 2015
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    In the house I grew up in in Cleveland there was a ghost, I never saw him, I only heard him walking from one end of the hall to the other end of the hall, he would stop at my closed bedroom door and breath then he would walk to the other end of the hall which was long and narrow. I could hear his foot steps and his breathing but no one else in the house could hear him. It was really spooky.
  9. Adam Fields

    Adam Fields Veteran Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Sometimes I find myself wishing I could experience something paranormal. Basically I want to know for certain whether or not something such as this exists. Not that I am dismissing a claim that anyone makes it is just that things are much easier to believe when you have the first hand experience.
  10. John Stone

    John Stone Veteran Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    When I was a kid I was always on the lookout for ghosts, UFOs and other kinds of paranormal stuff that I read about. Unfortunately or fortunately I've never encountered either that I know of. I did see one of the early stealth bombers flying across the sky one time and had a little excitement until I found out what it was.
  11. Juan Ortega

    Juan Ortega Veteran Member

    Feb 9, 2015
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    Ghost's are real intertwined with out reality abiding in other dimensions. I have also read on esoteric arts involving or mentioning some form of communication with these beings. Although seeing a ghost is unheard of it is quite possible, such technology is far from being invented that I know of and the cultivation of the mind to do so is very rigorous.
  12. Richard Paradon

    Richard Paradon Supreme Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Hello Richard! I also stay in Thailand, mostly in Pattaya, but I also have a small place in Issan. My place in Issan is very close to the Cambodian boarder and the first time I stayed there I had to move my "bed" to a position that would not offend the spirits on both sides that lost their lives during the ancient battles.
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  13. Richard Lee

    Richard Lee Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Yes, must not sleep under a beam (there are spirits that live in the beams - offended they will not let you get up in the morning and pin you down until midday - great excuse for a lay in). Also your feet must not point East - as I'm sure you know, pointing a foot at someone here (Thailand) is very disrespectful (as it using the feet to open doors, tap someone, touch money or a book, and so on) - well East sprit also get offended apparently :)
    Bobby Cole and Richard Paradon like this.
  14. Richard Paradon

    Richard Paradon Supreme Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I do believe in a spirit world but some Thai's take it another step. One time a friend of mine needed to stay a few days with me. When he woke up the first morning he told me that "the boy" doesn't like him. When I asked him, what boy, he told me the boy spirit who lives in my home. I then asked my friend what should we do and he says that the boy wants "Red Fanta!" So we got a bottle and put it on my altar, lit some incense and my friend and the boy ghost slept fine. Who knows?
  15. Teresita Campaner

    Teresita Campaner Veteran Member

    Feb 11, 2015
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    i once saw a man, or so i thought, coming to our house from my window. When he passed through to our closed door going inside like a shadow, that's when i thought he must be a spirit being. I got so scared i ran outside the house and ask for help from my neighbor.
    Richard Paradon likes this.

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