Have you or someone you know gotten noticeably worse in this department? In terms of the amount or the odor? I'm sure we all know at least one person who could clear a room.
Yeh. Sure. Blame the dog Actually, my dog would "pass wind," her ears would go up, she'd look at her hind end, then look at me! Talk about role-reversal.
Leave to you folks to start my morning off with a hardy laugh ! Hubby is a killer at that has passing. No matter what he eats. The dog um rarley does he have a problem. I have had my moments with it.
The problem with Flatulence while sleeping is the danger of leaving Skid Marks or worse on you nice white sheets.
The definition of a surprise is Spoiler: Potentially offensive. But you ARE visiting The Fart Thread... a lump in your fart.