Private Agendas & Trying Not To Be Too Annoying

Discussion in 'Notices & Announcements' started by Ken Anderson, May 15, 2021.

  1. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    It sure has brought some people's motives out in the open, when they might have been hidden before.

    Thanks for doing a good job, better than others seem to be aware of. A challenge.
  2. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Is that a bad thing ? What effect does it have on someone to join, if they get worse because of the general pattern and attitudes, instead of better ? What if they give in to the recently posted pagn practices , thinking that it is okay because it is permitted to be posted ? (this is best probably for another thread, so, God Willing, it will be).
  3. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    @Jeff Elohim

    ??? What you be sayin'??

  4. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Sorry if I was not simple and clear (someone pointed out that sometimes (or a lot) I seem 'frantic' and people may not understand my posts.
    He posted that his wife had done or tried to do the same thing I did or tried to do - clear some things up having seen 'from the outside' something(s) more clearly - and she kept trying , like I did/ do/ (hopefully, simply) because she loves him.

    Love as a motive is not an excuse for confusion , true, but as people are being injected with what Moderna admits (they published this long before using their injections) is a computer program , biologically, to adapt the body and change the immune system not to work properly any more, but by controls,
    as we see the rapid downslide of mankind faster than every before ,
    is it possible to "save some as if by fire"? Or in any way at all ?

    I realize as written that even the three great men of faith, Abraham and two more, could not by their faith save their own sons, so also today, with great or with small faith, each person must have their own faith in order to be saved - no amount of faith that the most loving father and mother have
    can save their own son.

    Is "love" an agenda ? It is a choice, a choice of the will. To do what is right all of the time. To obey God no matter the cost.

    Do we know how to obey God ? Most do not. Most follow and obey society or some god of society, from idols to money to false gods that permit wicced sinful behavior and actually promote wrong doing. Why? Society is that way. Always has been.

    So is their an agenda ? Has doing what is right now become a crime ? Like even the messengers long ago, who were told to stop doing their agenda - which was preaching Christ Crucified - they said we must obey God rather than man. and they died as martyrs for their faith (perhaps one died of old age).

    So is their an agenda ? Yes, certainly. Society has an agenda - not a good one either. I have an agenda - simple obedience to the Father , the Creator Almighty, by faith in Jesus the One Who Saves us from our sins if we follow Him.

    Is it irritating ? Smile. If it wasn't , would it be truth ? When two opposing agendas are both in the town center, or even fourteen different agendas, and only one concerned with the truth, saving men's souls, wouldn't that be irritating ?
  5. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    And the incoherent disconnected irrelevant ramblings continue. Is there an agenda or intentional spamming, I don't know, but based on what is posted here it sure smacks of classic advanced years psychoisis.
    Last edited: May 18, 2021
  6. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    I ain't perfect, either!

  7. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Your confession breaks my heart old man! Hahaha!
    Shirley Martin and Frank Sanoica like this.
  8. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    @Faye Fox

    Now, just how many times has that heart been broken?

    Shirley Martin likes this.
  9. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    So many that posting about it here would be considered Spamming. Also, I don't want to get this Private Agenda thread off-topic with my private agenda hahaha!
  10. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    @Faye Fox

    My "Private Agenda", or rather one of the more important ones, concerns dissemination of information valuable to those considering the use of Self Defense in this crazy world, and dispelling incorrect but widely-believed errors related to such.

    My platform is based on the belief that of all the implements of self defense available, knives, baseball bats, pipes, shovels, and the like, only BULLETS effect necessary results.

    Faye Fox and Bobby Cole like this.
  11. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I will be taking a more active role in removing posts that copy and paste stuff taken from blogs and other sites on the Internet, as these add nothing of value to the forum and are kind of annoying. Please report any such posts that you come across, using the Report feature, rather than replying to them, as they will be removed once I become aware of them.

    Think of it this way. If you were having a verbal conversation with someone, and they began reading stuff that someone else had written rather than carrying on a conversation, using their own words and their own brains, would you still be interested in the conversation? Brief quotes are one thing if you feel that you need them in order to clarify or bolster a point that you want to make, but please don't steal other people's words and use them in lieu of exercising your own brain. If you don't know what you're talking about, then perhaps you should become better informed before entering into a discussion, and if you do know what you're talking about, then why wouldn't you use your own words? At least take the time to put it into your own words. I think you'll find that, if you do that, you will have internalized more of it, making it a part of your own repertoire of knowledge rather than just something you plagiarized.
  12. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I understand that some of us may hold strong opinions, and there's nothing wrong with that. Anyone who thinks things through will probably have some strong opinions. I know I do. I suspect that there are those who hold strong opinions without having thought them through, as well, and that's okay, too, I suppose. However, please don't beat people over the head with them. Feel free to argue your points strongly if you want, but please accept that there will be those who disagree with you, and allow them the same right to hold their opinion as you have to hold yours. We're individuals here, and it would be pretty boring if we all agreed on everything.

    In particular, please don't try to shout people down or filibuster what might otherwise be a productive discussion. For example, if you're posting six replies to every post that you disagree with, that's the equivalent of a filibuster and the intent seems to be to discourage those who you disagree with from participating in the thread. I gave someone a thirty-day vacation from the forum today for filibustering, as I consider that to be overly annoying. I'd rather not bar anyone from the forum, but I don't think most of us want to see multiple rants, and certainly, none of us wants to be presented with that just because we may have said something that someone disagreed with.

    Again, feel free to hold and post strong opinions, but make your point and move on. There's no point in posting multiple replies to one post just because you don't agree with it. If you reply, and they reply to your reply, then there's no reason why you can't reply to that. That would be in the form of a conversation rather than an angry rant. But keep it measured, please.
  13. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    In the event that I sounded like I was coming off in a holier than thou manner in my last post, I'll point out that I recognize that I can get snippy when I don't think that someone is even considering something that is important to me, and I apologize for that, but I also allow for a wide range of similar responses from others. I get more complaints from people who think I should be more restrictive than from those who think I am too restrictive. I try very hard not to let my own opinions affect the way that I respond to yours, as a forum administrator or greeter, although I may disagree with you as a forum member. However, I'm not perfect, and I don't expect perfection from you. I ask forum members to try not to be overly offensive and to try not to be too easily offended because I know that we don't always succeed at this.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2021
  14. Kate Ellery

    Kate Ellery Supreme Member

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Not trying to take thread off topic …I just wanted to say I’ve never heard of the word filibuster
    before …..there again some Aussies are known to be a little slow 5121E52B-03AA-449E-A7F5-35006310750F.gif
    Hedi Mitchell and Yvonne Smith like this.
  15. Al Amoling

    Al Amoling Veteran Member

    Aug 20, 2016
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    What is a Filibuster?

    The filibuster is a tactic used in the U.S. Senate to block or delay action on a bill or other measure. A filibustering senator may endlessly debate an issue, introduce time-consuming procedural motions, or use any other means to obstruct or prevent action. Senators have done everything from reading Shakespeare to reciting the Constitution to hold the Senate floor.

    The Senate can overcome a filibuster if it invokes cloture — a vote by 60 members of the Senate to place a 30-hour time limit on consideration of a bill or other matter.

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