The first ones to recognize the problem were the HS teachers who, believe it or not, had to teach the ids how to write / read. Yes, I retire early.
Noted. On the more hopeful, positive direction, did you find many or any students at any level, grade k thru high school thru post grad, who not only learned well but also who differentiated in what they were taught from what was biased (at best) vs what was simply true knowledge ? i.e. they did not accept anything nor everything just because some teacher , school, or authority said something , but they put it to the test and did not accept it until it was verified as true ? "Critical thinking" I think someone else , maybe you, called it. Not meaning criticizing, but putting it to the test, no matter who the teacher or speaker was. (?maybe not accepting things because of their position, realizing they can wittingly or unwittingly be wrong )
Yes, and those who weren't as you describe I made a point to change them by providing the tools to put their brains in motion. The debates in the US Congress were nothing compared to my lasses.
Cool ( I think) ! Did you have much success with adults no longer in school, i.e. not in your classes ? Or was there no such opportunity if they were not in your classes ?
Since I was the Spanish Dept. Lead Teacher I made a point to enlace Geography, Social, Sciences, Criminal Justice and other disciplines in my classes....other teachers were also very much inclined to do the same. Recently, while having lunch with a former student (today's she is a Nutritionist), a pair of arms in military gear embraced me and the owner of such arms said "Remember me? I just came from overseas and I will continue studying medicine. Thanks." I have students who today are lawyers, Psychologists and other professions. I didn't give a piff to the Principal(s) who told me to easy up. I am proud of my kids and I am crying right now.
This is George Floyd........He is being honored in NJ with a statue in front of the City Hall. I think this answer all the questions on this thread
I might be able to stomach the statue a little more had it not been for the fact that that young idiots tore down the statues of people who actually did something remarkable and deserve to be remembered. I know for sure that there are a lot of fine democrats in the United States but it was the leading Democrats in some major cities that allowed all this turmoil to happen. Most kids will do whatever they are allowed to do and led to do. It’s normal. I do hope though that some may feel a sense of shame as they grow a little older and tear that statue of Floyd down too. Note: A thought struck me that the statue may not be around very long if a decent leader takes office or the public gets tired of seeing it.
What sucks is the world gets what the world [superficially] rewards. I've seen people like this rise in the ranks time and time again. It's as though there are two types of people: internally guided and externally rationalized.