The Bible By The King James

Discussion in 'Faith & Religion' started by Debbie Allen, Mar 1, 2016.

  1. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    No, he wasn't a Christian but he was the Christ.

    As for the rest, I skimmed the article only. Given that King James did not translate the Bible himself, but simply commissioned an English translation, I don't know that his personal beliefs would play into it in a large way. There is also the fact that the Bible has since been translated by others several times, and without much in the way of shocking discrepancies. The KJV wasn't even the first. The Geneva Bible is the one most familiar to those who founded the United States, and even that translation was not the first.

    No, I just don't see it. I grew up using the KJV and I am currently attending a small church whose pastor prefers the KJV, and I'm fine with that but I have several translations, and have used many of them on different occasions, and I just don't see the evil influences. The only one I worried about was a NT translation, whose translator said that the correct translation was sometimes given to him in a dream.

    As for the words of the Apostle Paul, while removing his words from the NT might be convenient for those who would like to expand the number of things that are permissible to them, that doesn't leave much of the New Testament intact.

    No, Paul was accepted as an apostle by those who walked and studied at the feet of Christ, so his words are acceptable to me.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2016
  2. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Well now, ya got me there, Debbie... considering Christians didn't exist yet. And for that matter, since Christian means "Christ-like" and Jesus IS Christ.... I guess He *is* "Christ-like", and thus, a Christian. Can't argue with that logic. Or can you? :D

    Aren't you "Debbie-like?"
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  3. Debbie Allen

    Debbie Allen Veteran Member

    Feb 26, 2016
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    There was once a woman who told about the Paul and his apostleship straight from the Hebrew scriptures, but she has taken down her work. In that bible is does say that they (the others apposles and disciples) were afraid of Paul. Paul's words and Jesus' words do not always equate with each other. Paul had many churches and Jesus did not. Paul is not talking to us, he is talking about the people that were members of his churches and not even right with what Jesus taught.
  4. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    There was, it seems, a bit of jealousy for Paul from Peter and others of the original apostles. That is documented in the New Testament, but they worked it out. Peter was prone to jealousy anyhow, as we also know from the canonical text. That the apostles, although they tried to be Christlike, were not the Christ, so obviously their missions were varied. Christ did not work to establish the church. He left that to his apostles and disciples, and the church was established at Pentecost.
    Mari North likes this.
  5. Holly Saunders

    Holly Saunders Supreme Member

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Fascinating to read the differing viewpoints on this topic.. :)
    Ken Anderson and Debbie Allen like this.
  6. Debbie Allen

    Debbie Allen Veteran Member

    Feb 26, 2016
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    This isn't just one person who reports this but many. You can belirve whatever anyone tells you to, It is your choice. What does your heart say or feel...not those who tell you what is shoulr feel or say?
  7. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I am just stunned that people think the Shriners and Masons are considered a cult or doing Satans work.

    I know you had to be a Christian to even be accepted and you could not be an atheist.
  8. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    This Sherry person is connected to *that* shriners? I only know what I saw online when I researched her yesterday... but I assume that's what you're saying, @Chrissy Page ? For the record, I hadn't heard that before, nor about Masons. The people I know who have been Masons (not a whole lot of them, but still) are or were church members when living, and Christians, yes... so I can't speak on that controversy... my uncle's a Mason and has always been a good example of a Christian man.
  9. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Yes, my husband was too.
  10. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Jer. 17:9. The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it?
    2 Tim 2:15 Study to show thyself approved unto God. A workman who needeth not be ashamed RIGHTLY dividing the word of truth.

    Yvonne Smith is a devout student of the Word of God. As a suggestion, you might do well to take your own advice my dear Debbie. There is nothing wrong with listening to others but when we rely on our heart to make the final judgment we need to look otherwise to find the facts. Perhaps you have looked into your heart too much and not studied enough.
    Mari North likes this.
  11. Debbie Allen

    Debbie Allen Veteran Member

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Funny, how did you ever get those facts that you just spewed into my face? I know that you did not see or veiw my credentials and I KNOW that you are not damning me to hell for what you have been told all those years. That would not be christ-like at all, now would it.
    For everyone edification the page that you bring up on the ULC is the first step. I had to take an entrance exam and write a 5,000 woird thesis. They do have an Seminary, but you might not see that on that page you are looking at. I don't care if you believe me or not. That judgement is for God and God ONLY.
    Not any of you here. If you don't believe that Open your Bible up and search for the words of Jesus.
    I don't start off calling people derogatroy names and that is NOT Christ-like either. If you don't have the love for humanity in your heart, then you will never get it.

    Luke 17:20-22Young's Literal Translation (YLT)
    20 And having been questioned by the Pharisees, when the reign of God doth come, he answered them, and said, `The reign of God doth not come with observation;

    21 nor shall they say, Lo, here; or lo, there; for lo, the reign of God is within you.'

    BTW I never said that I did not believe in God...ever.

    From My Blog: The Divine Dispatch

    What and How I Minister Link To Specific Blog, What Is a Person of the Cloth, a Minister, a Reverend, a Preacher? for more education

    "Nowhere does Jesus say that you have to be a certain religious sect or denomination to teach his words.
    Nowhere does it say that you MUST use the Bible or any book to teach from.
    Nowhere does it say that you have to go to a college and let others indoctrinate you.
    It is my experience that I am to Minister for Jesus Christ. He is not the Devil and he is Not Satan and I am not mis-lead. Jesus tells everyone that if you minister in his name then you are one of his--he mentions-- not Satan or temptations in this at all. He chose me because he did. I don't know why he did but he did. He said to preach or teach without fear and that he would guide me--well he has.
    Did you also know that he said all this in the Bible? Yes he did and he tells anyone who does it--while he was in the flesh to hide it, but after he went to heaven he tells us to spread his word. Now that doesn't include all the fear that religions are spreading around. He says that because he loved us first then we love him and if we love him or anything then we are of God and Jesus and they are in us. I love deeply and so that must be why he chose me.
    Those who say that Jesus tells you that you are going to hell or that he is sending Satan to tempt you can never know the true and loving Jesus that I know. Satan is fear and it is the fear that is being spread about us, not the if you spread fear then you are playing into Satan's hands--whatever that means, because with Christ (Unconditional Love) in my heart there is no room for fear (Satan).
    Jesus is using me to spread love and his true words of love. He needs not to spread the fear that so many others are doing. I now because he is in my mind, body and soul and he guides me each time I tell people of my experience and story of how HE brought me to know what HIS light is and to spread that light to everyone.
    Now I know that I will get some that will tell me that it is really Satan doing this and that he is tempting me---but I ask you how you would know the difference. If Jesus was to incarnate right now and come to your house--would you know him or would to push him off as being Satan and tempting you? Jesus did say a few times in that Bible that he would show up unaware and then reward those who were kind to him while he was there in a state that you didn't know who that person was. Jesus said that--not Satan.
    Spread his Love, not the Fear and control Jesus and God already knows who is true and who are mis-lead so let them worry about that. All I am to do it teach others the goodness and love that Jesus and God has for us and always have had. Don't let FEAR get you. Jesus said that there is nothing here that can harm you--nothing. He also said not to fear death or anything. I don't think he lied and I don't think Satan is using that to tempt you to go to hell..."

    Peace Be With You
  12. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    As far as I know, Sherry Shriner has nothing to do with either Masons or Shriners, @Mari North . That is just her name, or at least the one that she goes by.
    She professes to be a Christian and some sort of a prophet, and she believes that we have alien and reptilians living with us now, and more that are communicating with some people (who are tuned in to hear them). She says that there are good aliens and bad ones, and the bad ones are going to come and attack the earth.
    How she finds any kind of justification of that from the Bible is beyond me.
    I have never read anywhere in there that we had to be watchful for aliens from some other planet. In fact, the Bible doe not even suggest that there are people/life forms on any of the other stars or planets besides the earth. The sun, moon and stars were created to give us light.
    Since Sherry Shriner is not following what the Bible says about aliens (or does not say, in this case), it is hard to give her credibility on other statements that she makes.
    The only one coming from the sky that I read about in the Bible is Jesus and His army, and I sure do not want to get that confused with thinking it is aliens !

    I do think that it is possible that we could have genetically cloned nephilim in the end times; but that is maybe a whole other subject.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2016
    Mari North likes this.
  13. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Yesterday... yesterday I sat here and tried to internalize all the tolerance things I have learned and put it into practice. And I sat on my hands for the most part so I wouldn't step in even more of the muck. And believe me, for *me* to keep quiet about an issue that is important to me is quite rare.

    But THIS. This. No... we do not treat each other like this here. As a trained journalist, I happen to know that words like "spewed" are used to incite. We do not incite on this forum.

    There are Christians... and there are atheists and agnostics and people who are struggling not knowing *what* to believe. I have not had an issue with ANY of them. They're all great people. But no one has tried purposely to incite before. There are huge debates about politics and gun control and all kinds of things, but we LIKE each other. We don't do THIS to each other.

    We don't use the snarky terms. We don't "preach" about not judging and then judge right and left every time someone disagrees with us.

    I'm mad. I haven't said that for a very long time. But I'm transparent, and if I wouldn't say it, most people here would be able to sense it... because we CARE about each other. Try it sometime. :mad:
  14. Debbie Allen

    Debbie Allen Veteran Member

    Feb 26, 2016
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    I felt like he was spewing and I am not the journalist and or the person you you want me to me. "We don't treat each oyhrt like this in here." Oh come on, he gets to cut me down without ever having the idea to know me first, and I dont get the react as I feel? That is censorship.
    I did not go to the same college that he did, I did not take the same classes as he did and I did not live the life that he did and I don't have the same verbage as you do.
    Fine, I will back out of this conversation.
    I am done being accused of things and reprimanded for a reaction to someone elses post.
  15. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Hmmmmm......Hell? Oh well, I won't touch that one with a ..........whatever.

    Well said, @ Mari North. I am doubly sure that the non-believers are saying, "YUP, the Christians are at it again! Where's the popcorn and let's wait for the lions.". It's gotta be better than watching the defrag mode in Windows 98 or the delegate breakdowns this morning on CNBC, Fox or CNN.
    Personally, I liked the defrag mode in Windows 98 and wish I still had that OS on a separate computer just for that purpose.

    Somehow the topic went from one thing to me condemning someone or even myself to hell. I did so think that was God's job or perhaps someone thinks that I have been elevated to the position of the Supreme Judge. Nope, that info is wrong and will never happen nor can anyone take anything I say or write to mean that.

    Dunno but alas, even though things have gotten skewed perhaps the center of all of the debate is the fact that one must study. HONEST, study [of varifiable information] prevents objective opinions and allows for subjective presentations that are not biased nor have any argument other than an occasional bit of clarification.
    Mari North and Chrissy Cross like this.

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