Sometimes the Bible tells us what we want to hear. The Bible is full of rich kings and queens and poor. Bee hives have worker bees and a queen. What I read from the Bible is to give to those who can't help themselves like the widows,orphans and disabled,not able bodied men or foolish women. I have given to many who refused to help themselves some in my own family and in the long run it didn't help most of them. Homeless I do give ro because I don't know their situation. I have lived around thesepeople a couple of times in my life one was a black woman who lived next door and she and I both worked and helped each other out but most others were just sitting around getting checks.We both had kids an no husbands and no man laid up on us,we stayed singe till I later married to the man I'm with today for 45 years.I feel sorry for our youth they have not had much help in being independant in this society.
There are federal programs in our country giving out too much money with nothing received in return. Wasteful to say the least. Social Security is not an entitlement nor a hand out. Gainfully employed people pay into it and receive precious little when retirement comes to them. As for reparations. Well, I do not believe anyone is eligible for such a program. It is a part of history and by the by many programs for African Americans have been implemented throughout the decades and for the most part, they have blown it. One opportunity after the other has fallen by the wayside, either out of resentment, laziness, or ignorance. Some saw the silver lining and rose above the dreck, but unfortunately haven't done much to help their own. Instead many take the negative attitudes of this younger generation and run with it, so that not one of this generation who has a scintilla of knowledge of our history and culture have the biggest mouths denouncing all the great advantages of the past. CEO's and Wall Street today are among the greediest of our business leaders and I won't even get into the subject of our corrupt politicians. War may be a profitable business for one, but it never resolved anything at all in the history of mankind. We call WWII the good war since we destroyed the evil forces behind it, but listen to the dichotomy around you. What, if anything was resolved? Half or more of Europe is still calling Jews the problem of all our ills with the most disgraceful names you can imagine. So it goes, with a lot of other minorities right behind them. True history can only be understood by those who lived it and will tell it to those who care to listen and believe it did happen. Learn from it, but do not dwell on it or you get caught up in the same motives that pushed it into the forefront in the first place.
I do agree with most of this and will add that the liberals wanted to keep blacks down so this welfare to grave was just another ploy to do so.Plus dividing us to conquore us. Can't type much now though.
Plus--like AID run through the hands of a corrupt dictator--a huge percentage of the money is graft to "community leaders." But you can't cut it back, or the news will be full of pics of women & kids on the street rather than showing the mansions that the "leaders" occupy. I don't know a class of people who have been so used and repressed for so many generations by the hand of those who purport to be their saviors.
Someting has to be done, the worlds water's are being polluted,sea life killed and even farmlands endangered. As I said I'm no tree hugger but connnom sense has to prevail or we'er in serious trouble. I live near the largest concentration of natural springs on earth and they are drying up from Coca Cola and foreugn Nestles taking billions of gallons of water out Then we have this so called Red Tide and very serious algae problem every year making it so toxic in some places you can't even breath the air in some areas and it is killing the wildlife. Rhe polluters all have other places like George Bush Jr who owns 1000s of acee's land in Paraquay one of the largest aqaifers in S. America.Gates, Bezos,Zuckerberg,etc, all haave islands or land in clean safe areas. Ans I don't think it was this generation that caused it all.
Common sense will never prevail. I recall decades ago when plastic bags were introduced because they are "photodegradable." My immediate thought was "No one is gonna stake them out so they don't blow away while they sit in the sun for 100 years. They're gonna get buried...there is no 'photo' underground." Same goes for plastic bottles. What's the point of them? Glass gets reused, not "recycled." But as always, those who "solve" fabricated "problems" in order to profit (politicians are at the head of this line) have already formulated the money-making fixes to their "unforeseen consequences" before they even roll out the initial "solution." The "environmentalists" who purport to be on your side are fine with what Nestle and Coke are doing in your area because they believe that all humans should be densely warehoused in cities to "minimize our footprint." The goals are never as stated. So if that's what it takes to get you off of your land and in a city where you can be more easily controlled, sacrificing that aquifer is all for the "greater good." There are lots of things that need to be addressed, and there is no one to give the power to who is not gonna make things worse so that they can personally profit, either monetarily or emotionally (reference my previous comment re: minorities and do-gooders.) Sorry to start off your day like this. Here, have a puppy. Spoiler: Click for puppy