
Discussion in 'In the News' started by Ed Wilson, Feb 13, 2022.

  1. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Suddenly our world don't seem to look so safe does it. I hope there are some Russian Generals planning a coup to take out this little 5 foot midget ruler from the KGB. He is going to screw around until he goes down very hard. What a shame we couldn't use our B-52 and B1 and B2 force to make the grand tour around the ring of armor that was just sitting there all out in the open and in broad daylight. Even after watching all the news and replays I am not that impressed with their air force, it was anything but shock and awe and they lost a couple planes. I hope Ukraine is prepared to stretch this out as long as necessary until the Russians need to open new cemeteries back home. Hopefully we can resupply the fighters some how some way.
    Bobby Cole and Al Amoling like this.
  2. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    I find this situation disturbing, scary and sad. I was watching coverage on TV and saw some Ukrainian families whose lives have been upended, walking down the street with suitcases and little children following along. Where will they go and what will they do?? It made me cry for them, and for the mess our world is in.

    Putin needs to be put down like the rabid dog he is.
  3. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    This isn't a justification of Putin's aggression but the US and Nato have used Ukraine to provoke Russia for years, including trying to station nuclear missiles in Ukraine. Putin is a thug but Ukraine's ruling party has shut down opposition media and arrested political opponents.. There is some truth in Putin's characterization of their government as 'Nazi'.
    I just don't see a clear good guy/bad guy drama here. I'm praying for all the poor Ukrainians.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2022
  4. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    A tremendous amount of activity taking place in NATO that is not making headline news but it is on youtube. The British have moved more armor into one of the border countries of the Ukraine. 4 B-52s have arrived in Britain etc. NATO is not going to be caught with their pants down and I suspect they have no confidence in slo joe and "corn pop". Once they lose that buffer all the NATO countries of EU will be subject to incursion or outright attacks by the Russians. I think this will continue to go on until Russia either brings their force back to barracks or the Generals take Putin out. I also watched a legitimate report by the UK minister of defense and it is said so far the Russians have lost 450 men. There is one town in the Ukraine that had a major tank battle on the main road and it shows lots of armor sitting there burning, and it is coming from the direction of the Russian movement but there are no markings so no real conformation as to who it belongs to, I would take a chance and say it was a Russian column due to the direction and it was road bound which I don't think the Ukrainian forces would be stupid enough to have their armor out on the road with 0 air support mho. So that said if you want better coverage you can find it on youtube and not on the major networks. Oh and about Russian Generals taking out the putz there are some Generals saying that Russia cannot afford a long drawn out war. Actually Russia is already in big trouble financially. They cannot defeat NATO and if they really want their ass kicked then they would find out how fast you can lose an Army and Air Force and Navy,. all in the same day. The drift I get is this whole affair is the putz obsession with being the new King, without him everything would be normal in Europe and none of this would be taking place. There is much better coverage of the war from foreign reporters like Indians and others on the ground. I am surprised our coverage is so poor.
    Ed Wilson, Dwight Ward and Bobby Cole like this.
  5. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    It’s kind of amazing but even though it seems like Putin and Xi are joined at the hip, the Chinese leader is calling for a diplomatic resolution. Now, whether he’s calling for Ukraine to give up or for Putin to back off I don’t know.

    So far as the score on human life goes, as @Thomas Stillhere mentioned, the Russians have lost around 450 souls and the Ukrainians have lost around 140 with the sad part being that both countries will see those numbers go up.
    It’s already known that the Russian leader doesn’t care about how many of his soldiers are shipped home in a box and Ukraine doesn’t really have a choice in the matter.
  6. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    How about leaving a link to the tanks burning video? I can't find it.
  7. John West

    John West Very Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2021
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    The Ukraine invasion should not have been a surprise to anyone. First, Russia has always coveted Ukraine's Black Sea ports as being necessary to maintain a viable naval and marine presence in the world. Second, Putin is more of the hardened, KGB mindset as compared with more typical U.S. political, pantywaist presidents. Add in a bit of Napoleon Complex due to Putin's short stature and weak U.S. with a weaker president and you have near perfect ingredients for a Russian expansion. As has been said by others in this thread, the Russian invasion is no problem for those who stand to profit from all this, but can play havoc with the Main Street economy. It's also important to remember that idiot Bush invaded a foreign country on a false premise and created worse Mideast chaos in the process.

    My 2¢
  8. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    One little tidbit.

    Joe Biden said that we are not going to get militarily involved with the invasion. My question is why then did he spend hundred of millions of dollars sending soldiers with the 82nd Airborne to Poland?
    If it’s supposed to be our offering of NATO representatives then leave the soldiers home and send a diplomat. Someone other that K. Harris though.

    I think her last speech is still being reviewed by interpreters both English speaking and foreign but sadly, gibberish isn’t listed as a language.
  9. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    I read or watched something where Ukraine was asking that Turkey close off access to the Black Sea by Russian warships. If Turkey has that capability then Russia would need to prevent them from doing so in some way, possibly by attacking Turkish warships. This war could easily spread, it seems.
    John West and Bobby Cole like this.
  10. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    My thoughts are that, as people worldwide are finally growing weary of the coronavirus pandemic scare, an opening has arisen for a new scare. You've got to keep people scared if you want to control them and when you can combine a panic with a downturn in the economy for regular people, you're also advancing the Great Reset. It's a win-win for the elites. I knew they were going to have to come up with a replacement for COVID but I had thought it was going to be another concocted disease.
  11. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Apparently there are definitely other ramifications to the invasion that no one but John Kerry and Joy Behar have thought of.
    Human life? Nope. The economy? Nope. Infrastructure? Nope. Nuclear weapons? Not that either.

    John Kerry gave a speech two days ago explaining how the invasion will hurt the efforts combating global warming.
    Joy Behar, on the other hand, says she’s scared about what is happening in Europe but she doesn’t seem to care about global warming as much as that her vacation trip to Italy will have to be put on hold. A trip that she has been trying to make for 4 years but (gasp) Covid has prevented her from doing that.

    In the wake of everything else, I can see why there are other things far more important than a human life taking war.
    Ed Wilson and Don Alaska like this.
  12. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Given the number of bombs that global warmists have dropped over the past few decades, I figured that bombs must not contribute to global warming, sort of like the way that leftist protests and Democrat weddings and funerals were exempt from Covid. Unlike the rest of us, they're sophisticated, you know.
  13. John West

    John West Very Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2021
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    Sending troops into Poland would be in keeping with NATO obligations, given rumors/reports of Russia-related activities near the Polish border.
  14. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I can't agree more! America has fallen a long way under his "leadership". I can't even say that word or think it in relation to biden without gagging :(. I think he knows he's on the way out. He, like obama did, is making America user-friendly (for Russia, China, and all anti-american citizens). Busy working towards the new, world order hey :mad:
    Dwight Ward likes this.
  15. John West

    John West Very Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2021
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    IMHO, the straits Bosporus and Dardanelles are too important to overall world trade for Turkey to close them down and they're not likely to close them just for Russia, especially given Europe's growing appetite for Russian resources. .
    Bobby Cole, Tom Galty and Dwight Ward like this.

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