In Your Opinion, Was Joe Biden Fairly Elected In 2020?

Discussion in 'Politics & Government' started by Ken Anderson, Jul 10, 2022.


In your opinion, was Joe Biden fairly elected in 2020?

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  1. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    In your opinion, was Joe Biden fairly elected in 2020?
    John Nopales likes this.
  2. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I am just going to jump right in on this one and say that Biden was not elected, he was selected and fraudulently put into office by manipulation of the votes, as well as rigged voting machines which counted the votes at a higher percentage for Biden than they did for Trump.

    One interesting observation is that a lot of the faked votes only were set for the presidency, and not for all of the lower political candidates, both national and statewide.
    This resulted in a large amount of Republican winners, even though they show Biden winning with an impossibly high amount of votes. The 81 Million votes is more than even Obama got for his first term, and he had a lot of votes, based on his skin color. We actually had more people voting in the 2020 election than there are registered voters. (I don’t remember the figures, but they are out there if anyone wants to look).

    More and more of the counties in the important states are realizing that there was voter fraud, and that people are being arrested for that fraud, so they are starting to de-certify the election results. There is talk about the Supreme Court getting involved in the decertification proceedings, but nothing has happened with that at this time.

    I think that we have had to go through this last year or so of all the Biden disasters for people to realize that they had been lied to about President Trump and about Biden and about the election, by the media. Every poll shows Biden’s ratings drop, and once they get low enough, there wil be sufficient people ready to see Biden removed from office without it causing a civil war.
    We are actually starting to see more truthful information coming out , even from places like CNN, who have been totally sold out for the Democrats, and even they are now saying that Biden is not doing a good job as president.
    He has lost support from some very wealthy and important people, such as Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, due to the inflation, the high fuel prices, and the crashing economy.

    I think that it is still possible that we will see the election overturned, people brought up on serious charges, maybe even treason, and some of the people will be going to prison when that happens.
    As they are arresting the lower-involved ones, I am sure that they are working plea deals for testimony and can work their way up the chain until they can have enough evidence to arrest the leaders of this.
    I am still hoping to see President Trump returned to office; but I believe that things are still going to continue to get worse before that happens, and that our economy will probably crash, either under Biden or Kamala Harris.
  3. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    I didn't know about the Wisconsin Supreme Court decision on drop boxes until I heard it in Trump's speech. Unattended drop boxes are now illegal in Wisconsin due to the high likelihood of vote fraud. Who would have guessed.
    I remember an interview with an expert on election fraud many years ago--long before recent elections--and he stated that there was vote fraud in every state except North Carolina (recounts). This guy said any time a box is left unattended, ballots are moved, or a computer is involved, the chance of someone cheating was very high. At that time, North Carolina was the only state that kept the ballots in the place where they were cast, so a hand recount would actually count the votes cast. This was long before all the vote-by-mail nonsense (except absentee ballots). I assume vote fraud is very high now, and I don't have any idea if the same system is in place in North Carolina. Both Trump and Biden got a record amount of votes. Biden is #1 and Trump is #2. The likelihood of that occurring is zero. For someone whop couldn't attract more than 30 people to his rallies to defeat someone who attracted tens of thousands...really?
  4. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    This is a video that is on Rumble, and it is about 7 minutes long. This guy said that the Supreme Court has already declared the election invalid, and we will be seeing Trump installed as president . However, there is not much to confirm the truth of what he is saying, although several other people are saying similar things that they have heard.
    Even if it is true, we might not see anything changing right away, or at least not any large changes, like Biden being removed. I am interested to see if this does go anywhere.
  5. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I strongly believe that Joe Biden was not properly elected to the office, but I don't expect the election to be overturned. In the United States, there is a strong incentive to avoid admitting to such things. In order to keep from admitting that our elections are fraudulent, the fraud is allowed to continue.
  6. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    I think the election was as fair as any other. I'd imagine the amount of fraud has been rampant for years, and on both sides.
  7. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I agree with the second sentence, but I think 2020 was way beyond the pale, to use a phrase that I don't understand.
  8. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Maybe use "beyond the pail" and you can use it when discussing the location of buckets.
    Faye Fox, Bobby Cole and Ken Anderson like this.
  9. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Had to look it up. “The area enclosed by a fence”. Beyond the pale = outside the fence.

    In short, although there are still those who celebrate Biden’s placement in the Oval Office, there can be no one with any reasonable amount of logic who can truthfully say that there wasn’t some elements of the election that weren’t highly questionable.

    From the election itself to the interruption of a Constitutional challenge of the electors on Jan. 6, the whole Biden win was a farce.
  10. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    The Supreme Court and many other courts had a chance to look at the election process, but most refused to even look at it for fear they would have to overturn an election. The courts that did look at it found in Trumps favor. The January 6 event actually disrupted the protest process and worked against any challenge to the election. That is one of the reasons many thought/think that is was contrived by the Democrats to prevent any review of the election.
  11. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    My Husband was watching that today. I said For Real? All I could see was civil war.:eek:
    I know there were irregularities in my state that could be proved but the AG would not prosecute. We have a very leftist governor. I was told by one of my reps that they had a referendum on the August ballot for voter id and improvements for elections. But that will not take care of Biden. I want to know what wonderful things he has done as president. They talk about it on the radio but I don't see any that help people, really.
    Faye Fox and Don Alaska like this.
  12. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    OK, now I'm mad:mad:. All that hard work prepping for the disaster and Trump will come back, remove all perks for illegals, restart the keystone pipeline and make us energy independent again, settle stuff with Russia....:rolleyes:
  13. James Hintze

    James Hintze Very Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2020
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    I have to wonder how many people realize that Biden is president because more people voted for him but speak and write otherwise because “the tribe” they belong to expects them to do so?
  14. Ron Beforee

    Ron Beforee Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2021
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    I really do believe something strange happened election night. When i went to bed that night , I believed Trump would be re-elected . When I woke the next day .... things had changed ?! I have no inside knowledge , as such I have no answer, just suspicion .

    Do I think there is a chance Biden will be removed ? And Trump reinstated ? No. And frankly I think Trump will be hard to re-elect . I think he has burned too many bridges, and some folks ... even in his party , would look at it as going backwards ?

    At this moment in time ... I think Desantis might be the best bet for the republican party in 2024 ........ jmo
  15. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I do not think that President Trump will run again, personally. If they overturn the election due to fraud in the voting, then President Trump will be finishing up his second term, and can’t run again.
    On the other hand, if they do not overturn the election and arrest the people responsible for carrying out election fraud, then we will just continue to have elections that do not mean anything because the votes are rigged in favor of whoever they want to put into office.

    In that case, there is no reason for Trump to run again, since they would do the same kind of thing as they did in 2020.
    Trump was ahead when they closed everything up on voting night, and by the next morning, there was a huge jump in votes for Biden, and none for Trump, which means that they were dumping in more Biden votes overnight after the polls closed.

    So, we had fake votes from the mail in votes, and the ones that were packed in by the mules. We had the rigged voting machines that counted a Biden vote for almost twice as much as a Trump vote, and then we had people who were dead, or didn’t even live in the state where their vote was counted, and ones where it was run through multiple times, adding to the vote count each time.

    Anyone who actually takes the time to look at this with an OPEN MIND will see that there was not an honest election. Watch the 2000 Mules documentary, for a start. Look at how many votes were cast in the election, and how many voters are actually registered to vote in the United States, and even in the separate states. Some states had a lot more votes than they have registered voters, even if there was a 100% turnout of voting.

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