I Am The Real And True Conservative

Discussion in 'Politics & Government' started by Ed Marsh, Jul 27, 2022.

  1. Ed Marsh

    Ed Marsh Veteran Member

    May 30, 2020
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    Good morning to all-

    I am the true conservative. Please allow me to present my evidence.

    First, I believe government exists to serve the needs of the people- all of the people, not just those born to privilege and power. Schools, health services, even legal services are part of this. I am very conservative about this- it's important.

    I believe that people in positions of political power should be people of quality and ability This doesn't mean rich, powerful, privileged people, but people who can think, see reality, and guide the country along a safe path and not just along the road that serves the politician's desires. I'm very conservative about this.

    I believe that each person has the right and responsibility to maintain and use the physical body he/she is born with. Surely if a person is able to ingest drugs and alcohol and otherwise do things to harm the body and even refuse vaccines to prevent very communicable disease because "it's my body, it's my right" then the same right should be applied to women to decide when and how they will have children. I'm very conservative about this.

    I believe politicians should be held to the same standard of personal behavior as the rest of the people. I have been married to the same lady for fifty years. We raised our kids and sent them all to college- on our own. We have worked for our living, and we owe no man anything. We take care of ourselves, and we help others whenever we can. We don't cheat on each other or anyone else.

    I believe that cruel words and vile personal behavior and desire to do harm to others who are "different" and perhaps speak a different language is something that should not be a part of our government, and those individuals who display this behavior are not worthy to be considered a decent person capable of being a leader. I'm quite conservative about this.

    And my final proof of my "true conservative" nature-
    I don't lie. I don't try to manipulate the truth to serve my personal needs and desires. I don't use "alternative facts" to try and fool people to see things my way. Reality is important to me, and people who try to make reality fit what they want are the most vile, distasteful worthless sort of individuals. I am very conservative about the truth.

    And I'm not alone, Our country is full of "true conservatives" who see the world much as I do.

    Good day to all- Ed
  2. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I guess we all have to have labels do we not?

    The problem with a label is that the full definitions of certain labels are so expanse that they are only partially lived up to by many.
    I dare write that there are times when I do not really like to be labeled a Christian simply because what some have erroneously labeled themselves to be isn’t what I consider Christianity to look like.
    Alas, since society, being the permissive lot that exists today accepts one who has one foot in the church and the other one in the world, I do not fit that narrative hence I’m merely a follower of Christ.

    Basically, what I’m driving at is that anyone can call themselves anything they wish whether or not that label is accurate or not.
    Liberalism, Conservatism, left, right, center all have wide spread definitions that are extremely hard to live by without crossing certain lines into another label.
    Such as, Conservatism promotes the preservation of the sanctity of life but some who call themselves the C word are all good with rampant abortion.
    Frankly, I know people who call themselves liberals do not like abortion and do not lie and at present can’t stand Biden but who am I to tell someone what they should label themselves as?

    I guess I’m just going to have to go to the label store and find one that fits me. Naw……I’ll do without.
  3. Ed Marsh

    Ed Marsh Veteran Member

    May 30, 2020
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    Good morning to all-
    Bobby, for once, we are in agreement- at least, partially. Labels are harmful things, and many times they do not contribute to understanding at all.

    All I can do is look at the world around me and the people in it, and decide from what I see who is a "good person" and who is "a person to be avoided."
    Politicians can call themselves whatever they want- and they do- but again, that label may not be accurate in the best sense of the word.

    You all be safe and keep well- Ed
    Hedi Mitchell and Bobby Cole like this.
  4. James Hintze

    James Hintze Very Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2020
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    Ed, what I read here I like to think describes me. I consider myself to be very "liberal." I might also add that I consider republican Pres.. Eisenhower to have been more liberal than today's Biden.
  5. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    It’s all in the name of tribalism. One wishes to fit into a certain niche of society and that’s what they declare themselves to be.

    We discussed the hippies in another thread and in days gone by there were some who called themselves hippies simply because they smoked pot and had long hair but had no clue as to what the full ramifications of being a hippy were. Okay dude..,you’re a hippy if you say so.

    We have also discussed transgenderism whereby a man dons a dress and makeup and says he’s now a female without having the faintest idea of what it really takes to be a woman but he is now a member in good standing of a group.

    Another label people are flooding to are the Woke crowd for which I have no other analysis for other than a person who truly believes the I’m okay, You’re okay theorem as long as the You’re okay doesn’t conflict with the I’m okay.
    Of course, I think where a lot of confusion lies is that many people with other labels have the last statement imbedded in a subsection of a subsection of their tenets too which often leads to a rather non sequitur offering.

    To think about it, the safest and easiest labels to attain with no other ramifications nor embellishments attached to them are those in the groups of liars, thieves, adulterers, murderers, sots etc.
    A person doesn’t have to be any particular sex, gender, color, nationality or political affiliation to belong to any one or all of those groups but as weird as it may sound, very few will admit to having said label or labels.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2022
  6. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    I have opinions that go liberal, conservative and often I have no opinion. T hi current
    group of libs, OMG/...
    Beth Gallagher likes this.

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