The Road Less Traveled

Discussion in 'Personal Diaries' started by Charlene Marolf, Jun 15, 2021.

  1. Charlene Marolf

    Charlene Marolf Very Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2019
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    Well said Teresa
  2. Charlene Marolf

    Charlene Marolf Very Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2019
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    We went to Georgia last weekend. on Sunday we drove into Atlanta and went to the aquarium.There was one of the tunnels that passes through an aquarium. It was very strange to have a giant stingray swimming. above me. I rode in a wheelchair since I have s bad foot, so I usually had a girl riding on my lap. It was a nice day.
  3. Charlene Marolf

    Charlene Marolf Very Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2019
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    I think this is a sit in day. I've been binge watching Better Call Saul so that's all I have planned today. That, and some knitting. I've been wanting to try making some fry bread. Maybe I'll do that. I've read it's really good.
  4. Charlene Marolf

    Charlene Marolf Very Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2019
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    Singing "Hello yeah it's been a while"

    I'm still knitting. In fact, that's about all I do. Knit and watch tv. I have an infected toe. I can't believe something so small could hurt so much. At least the darn thing is still attached. There has been talk of amputation.

    Speaking of knitting, I have almost finished what I call my Bad Toe Blanket. It's been my recovery project. I'll post a picture when it's done. I'm kinda proud of it. I'm not the greatest knitter, but I think it looks pretty good.
  5. Charlene Marolf

    Charlene Marolf Very Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2019
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    I felt the need to come here and rant a bit. I love that this site has a diary so that I can do that because I really REALLY need to rant. I am so unhappy. Covid totally messed up my Christmas, I'm mad, and I don't know that there's a darn thing I can do about it.

    I love Christmas. I accept the fact that Christmas is never going to be the way it used to be. I have been kind of pouty about Chistmas in the past, but was going to make it pretty good this year. I had a nice tree, my son and his family helped decorate it, the house was decorated nice, and I had bought a massive amount of food. I'd sent presents to my long-distance family, I was baking, had made plans for a couple of dinners. I listened and sang along to Christmas songs on the radio. I watched Christmas shows. I bought a Christmas decoration that I had craved all my life. I was a regular elf.

    It all started off with the cable going out on Christmas Eve morning. We had a cold snap hit that day as well. No big deal about the cable, although I did have a bunch of recipes online. I'd have to look them up in a book. Then we lost hot water because our hot water because the pipes froze from the cold snap. I felt so bad for the guy that had to fix them, out in that cold. It wasn't quite so hard for him when I handed him that almost $300 check for a few minutes work. (all this time I'm working in the kitchen on a crippled foot, my Elf Self trying to prepare for the Christmas guests) My spouse is sleeping, feeling sick.

    Just about this time, Christmas got shut down. When my spouse got up, there was a Covid test done and with positive results, all the holiday plans were cancelled. Christmas morning, I tested positive. We've been really sick and have had no holidays. We did cook some food for ourselves on Christmas Day and opened a couple of gifts that we had for each other. Otherwise, Covid ruled our holiday. I hate that I gave up and gave in.
    Don Alaska and Ken Anderson like this.
  6. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    Aww Charlene. I'm sorry about your Christmas. I understand why you are really upset, with all those plans and everything. Can't think of a positive thing to say. :( Hope you both get over the covid without too much trouble.
    Mary Stetler likes this.
  7. Reen Davis

    Reen Davis Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2022
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    So sorry to hear this @Charlene Marolf, I hope you both are feeling better very soon.
    As for Christmas I can imagine how devastating it will have been having to cancel all your plans.
    Once you are both well enough - is there a chance that you can get your family together one weekend
    early in the new year - I know it won't be quite the same but at least you will be able to be together and
    and have a 'belated' celebration - and it would make a positive start to the New Year too.
    (((HUGS))) and best wishes to you both.
  8. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Wow , that sounds like a real disappointment for christmas, @Charlene Marolf ! I am glad that you were not too sick to at least open some of your gifts, and that you got the frozen water pipes taken care of.
    You are right about the diaries here, it is a good place to blow off steam when we are having a bad/horrible day, and we do all get them.
    Sending hugs and prayers that you and your hubby both get over the illness and start feeling better again soon !
    Reen Davis and Mary Stetler like this.
  9. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Hey Charlene; it's nice to hear from you even though you had a crummy Christmas. I hope you and your husband are feeling better. Happy New Year!
    Mary Stetler likes this.
  10. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    @Charlene Marolf, I am so sorry that Christmas was ruined for you, and pray that you'll be fine as far as Covid goes. Fortunately, the more recent strains are not as bad as the previous ones were.
    Mary Stetler likes this.
  11. Charlene Marolf

    Charlene Marolf Very Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2019
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    Thank you all for your kind replies! I will get to have my youngest son and his family over next weekend if I'm well by then. I haven't had a chance to give those two grandchildren their gifts, so we'll be able to do that. I have quite a bit of food that will keep till then so I'll be able to feed them well!

    Yvonne, the diaries really are great. I always have a lot to say and it's nice knowing I have a place for it. I appreciate so much that I can have my say here.

    Ken, I'm really thankful that now Covid isn't as bad as it was in the past. I've felt bad enough. I'm sure I would have been much sicker if I would have caught it earlier on. We traveled cross country and didn't catch a thing, then found it right here at home haha so I guess we've been lucky until now.

    Best wishes to you all, and thanks for the opportunity to rant.
  12. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Hopefully the weather will be good for any of yours that need to travel for belated Christmas. It Is so good that that Siberian Express is over with.
  13. Reen Davis

    Reen Davis Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2022
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    @Charlene Marolf
    Glad to hear you have plans to see at least some of your family and hope you will be well enough to do so.

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery and a happy new year. :)
    Charlene Marolf likes this.
  14. Charlene Marolf

    Charlene Marolf Very Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2019
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    I'm really happy that two of my grandkids will be here this weekend. I'm going to teach them how to loom knit. I'm a big needlework girl, so I'm excited to be able to do something of this type with family members. It's been a challenge to contemplate taking on such a task, as I am left handed, and everyone else in the family is right handed. (Oh, how I have heard comments of how I use the wrong hand!)

    Bit of trivia--though there is a method of left handed knitting, the form of knitting that I learned is used by right or left handed people. I think that's wonderful. I used to be a freak of a crocheter, but had to give it up because of awful pain in my hand. I've won quite a few ribbons at fairs and sold a lot of my work. I always wanted to teach someone to crochet because it brought me so much enjoyment. I say that it saved my life, as I went though a very difficult time. point is, I have never found anyone that I could teach to crochet, being left-handed, but I do think that if I found someone that wanted to learn to knit, I could show them how.

    When my grandkids' parents come to pick them up, we will have a bit of a holiday get together. I have some of the Christmas specialty food that I bought, so we will get to have some on Sunday. I'm going to make some Neese sausage dip, Little Smokies with BBQ sauce, I have left over chili in the freezer, and we'll have little ham sandwiches made with Hawaiian rolls. Oh, I forgot the layered lettuce salad. That's for Travis. I'm going to make a German Chocolate cake and attempt to recreate a Long John Silver's pineapple pie. They don't serve it anymore, but it was always a favorite of mine. I'm having way to much food, but it was my Christmas feast, and I want what I want haha. It's extra funny because my son and his family tend to eat healthier than I do, so they won't eat much of the sweets. Ah, now I'm hungry.

    I do like to cook. I hope everyone is going to like the food.
  15. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Everything sounds yummy, Charlene. If they don't like it, please give me a call ASAP. :D Also, you can teach me to loom knit. See you soon!!

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