When Are Wellness Visits Appropriate Or Not Appropriate?

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Psychology' started by Ken Anderson, Dec 16, 2022.

  1. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I think that it would be wise to try to have some medical supplies on hand in case it gets worse, and they add more plaques and viruses to their list.
    We have a few things like vaporizer, humidifier a bed that can be raised at head and feet.
    We smoke but so far lungs ok,of course that could change anytime. I ask for prescription for oxygen, but they said I don't need it and refused the scrip but what if I do need it?
    Being seniors and older everything is worse on us so we try to keep some things onj hand.
    @Ken Anderson , since you're a paramedic what would you think we have on hand in case we can't go to hospital?
  2. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Since everyone's needs would differ, that would be hard to say. Generally, the key to sustaining health would be good food and plenty of water. Without going overboard with the supplements, as some people do, it wouldn't hurt to have some of these on hand, although which ones might depend on individual needs and health concerns. I take some supplements to help keep my immune system up, and I've run them past my doctor insofar as avoiding things that might do harm. The danger with supplements is that they are not necessarily safe just because the word "natural" is on the package somewhere.

    Not getting sick, to begin with, is a whole lot easier and more efficient than trying to figure out what to do about it when you do get sick and can't, or don't want to, go to a hospital.

    As seniors, many of us are taking one medication or another, which we may or may not need for survival, and they don't generally allow anyone to stockpile prescription medications. For example, I'm taking Levothyroxine because I don't have a thyroid. It's not a recreational drug, yet I can't get more than a month's worth at a time. So, whatever else I might do, that would be tough. If I still lived near the border, I'd cross into Mexico where they'd probably sell me a year's worth of Levothyroxine, but I don't. I suppose I could "lose" a bottle every now and then, and get replacements.

    Still, stocking up on the things that you know you'll need in order to maintain your health, the best you can, is a good idea. Unless they are absolutely necessary, hospitals are not the healthiest place to hang out in, anyhow.

    To end this on something that is more on topic with the OP, although my tendencies have always leaned toward skeptical, the COVID fiasco has led me to doubt that the government, the government-controlled healthcare system, or the many agencies that want to control our lives, have our best interests at heart, or even in mind.

    If a doctor who I choose wants to persuade me to take or do something, I am perfectly willing to listen, and I don't think I'm at all unreasonable. However, when they want to tell me that I have to do something, there will be resistance.
  3. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Everyone must be their own advocate now and more are leaning that way. It is obvious how they pitch to consumers, in ads, to suggest drugs to their doctors. Do NOT be educated by TV commercials! Even learning on the internet is not as advisable as you might think. Find someone you trust. My chiro and I bounce info off each other.
  4. Joanna Newton

    Joanna Newton Very Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2021
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    EXCELLENT advice!
  5. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I think if you did lose your medication, they would replace it. Also, I heard medication is running out or some of it is, like HP meds.
    I know we can't prepare for most of the things they lay on us, but what little suffering we can eliminate is that much less suffering we will have. viruses, respiratory can be dangerous to even nonsmokers. And BP, heart meds are important.
  6. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    The only virus that scares me is the OLD AGE VIRUS. I still think most of us vets that served more than 3 years had some pretty good vaccinations and always kept up to date. They would set up a shot table in the mess hall on pay days, or in our case pay night because the war never stopped just because it was pay day. It was bad enough you were out 16 hours and ran to the mess hall to get your money and find a smiling medic sitting there . I am not fibbing about the 16 hour days, we were on no schedule and never ever got to eat breakfast, the mess hall put out a case of C-Rations and we would all grab a box and try to be the first guy to the box to get those Ham and Lima Beans. After eating all that crap food I can stand anything. :D
    Mary Stetler and Marie Mallery like this.
  7. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I try to honor our vets every time I see one, but I'm not sure about the military these days and sure don't like most political leaders. Cops too many cops are vets. I know I thanked you before doe your service, thanks again.
    One of my cousins really got tore up mentally =and lost some good childhood friend's.
    Thomas what would you feel would be important to keep on hand if shtf
    Thomas Stillhere likes this.
  8. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    This is the second time I have lost my post when I missed a key on my keyboard. It just disappears and no trace, even a large entry just goes away. I have no idea what is happening because I don't watch the keyboard I watch what I'm writing. Oh well...... Have water gas food and small arms ammo. You will be surprised what people would do to feed their children when the entire world is on fire. Only the strong will survive, and large groups of people you trust are much better than just two people. You would not be able to defend yourself so if there are no large groups don't be out on the highways where you become a target. You can always build a fire to boil water and cook if you have something to cook. Having a Coleman stove won't do any good because walmart and all the sports stores will be the first thing looted if they are still standing and no fuel would be available for a simple little Coleman stove. Remember our military bases have ammo dumps and our fire departments have meals by the cases in their storage closets to be handed out, and I am pretty sure most people would not be hanging around at the station house if things really got bad. All sporting goods outlets will be totally stripped in 24 hours, not because a thug needs more than one sleeping bag but he will steal anything he can to sell. The first thing that will happen will be martial law and people shot on sight so it would be real scary out there.
    Marie Mallery likes this.

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