I think I've intruded into a much closer social group than most I read/post to. I'm bound to accidentally rub people the wrong way, this is certain.
Not to beat this to death, because as I just said, what began this discussion was tone, intent, and history...BUT... If I say the earth is flat, and someone questions that statement, it is rather disingenuous for me to say "Prove me wrong" and for the conversation turning towards assailing the dissenter's position. If it's wrong to ask one who posits a point to support it, then it's even wronger to demand the dissenter do so. At some point a well-meaning person supports their assertions. I think that dropping unsubstantiated statements then tuning the tables is pure antagonism. Again, none of us here do that, except in rare cases where there's a history and ill intent...and look how an outlayer or two can poison everyone's well. This issue has never been a problem here that I've seen between we honest adults. Yet here we passionately are on Page 3.
Nah, most of us have thickish skin. The small size makes the few outlaying issues easier to see. I'm on another forum that has over 5,000 members on line at any given time (I just looked: 4,593 on line) so the radar screen is a lot bigger. There are lots of new folks here. And all adults accidentally step on toes every once in a while.
I was on seniorforums for a while. I am from usenet days, pre-eternal september days. Good conversations, John!
I started on a different forum that many of us here seemed to have escaped from. I'm 4 months shy of being here 3 years. I didn't do a lot of the original internet stuff, even thought I got my first PC in the early 80s. I was too busy learning Visicalc, WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, pfs Write, etc. I think Ken was a key player back in the early days of bulletin boards. He talks about it at length on a Computer Bulletin Board Systems (bbs) thread. Back on topic: When I would build fences with my grandpa and get overwhelmed at how much we had left to do, he told me to "Take it one post at a time." I think that applies here, as well. I don't have a source for that quote other than Personal RAM...and I do mean "Random."
Having both built and run web sites of some size, I do know what trolling is. I was wondering why the issue came up.
For me I enjoy this forum because it is like a family gathered around the table having a lively discussion. Personally I don't want to see you turn into a courtroom.
Because most of the time when I have seen these demands, it has been trolling behavior, evident from the fact that any citations given are summarily dismissed by the person asking for them. I can't remember a time when someone who demanded a citation from someone who they didn't believe in a forum discussion was satisfied with the citations provided. They never are, so the effect is to turn the thread into a battle of citations, which only produces hard feelings and an end to on-topic discussion. Keep in mind that there is a big difference between a demand for a citation and someone asking for additional information because they are genuinely interested in the topic. The latter often works out well.
It was one person, one rub. Then it became a discussion. It happens. When it becomes a brawl, then we will see.
Grand Exit Trolls -- They don't begin as trolls but, at some point, usually when they don't get their way, they threaten to leave the forum forever. Rather than simply leaving, however, they create an exit thread, either hoping that someone will beg them to stay, or to at least enlist other forum members in their defense. Usually, they are back in a few days, and the drama is repeated later. Not everyone who posts an exit thread is a troll, but the effect is the same. Sometimes someone is just angry enough to leave, but changes his mind later. Repetition is the key. SOURCE: http://www.seniorsonly.club/help/trolls-trolling/
I rarely, if ever ask for a source. Unless I know for certain someone had posted something blatantly false, I'll look something up myself to learn about a topic. When I am asked for a source, and I don't recall where I learned an item, I'll suggest the individual check it out for themselves. This is my way of telling a person that, one, I have learned from various sources through time, and two, I really do not remember where I may have read something.