Do you think it is possible to have traits from both personality types? What type would you describe yourself as? *If this has been posted before, I apologize, as I am too new to know.
I agree that one can be both. But I think I read definitions a while ago that might conflict with folk's perceptions of the words. Anyway... I am shy when in personal social situations, but outgoing when in situations surrounding a shared interest. I spent a good part of my career in purchasing management. I selected & managed vendors, negotiated contracts, dealt with internal users, etc. So I had a lot of face time with folks (and potential conflicts), but the sales folks usually came to me...I was usually in my own office, secure behind my own desk. At one point I started my own business, and had to cold-call to build a network. I grew so much from that experience. The business did not work out, but the personal growth was worth it. Conversely, I don't like purely social situations. I don't like people trying to "know things" about me unless it's in some casual get-to-know-you context other than "you and me" (church, working with non-profits, etc.) My trust at that level is zero. I think most people have horrible boundaries, so my trust has to be earned. I still get a little confused over which I am. I've struck up conversations with strangers in the grocery store that have gone on for 10 minutes or longer. Maybe we are too complex for "either/or" labels. Maybe there's the defensive way we live, then times the guard is down and we are truly ourselves.
I'm certain it's possible to have traits of both types, but not me. I'm an introvert, and the older I get, the more pronounced my introversion. I found this; never heard of "ambivert." What Is an Ambivert? Both introverted extroverts and extroverted introverts are ambiverts. Depending on the circumstances, they might prefer to spend an evening alone or be the life of the party. They can be reserved when the situation calls for it, and gregarious when an outgoing manner is more suitable.
^^^ John that was a good post and what you shared. I tend to have very similar descriptions of myself. So with that said, I am an Introvert mostly with a strong curve of Extrovert, in comparison 70 percent Intro and 30 percent Extro. I need to stop sipping on my brandy and return to this post later LOL.
I’m very much an introvert, INTJ if you follow Meyers-Briggs. They say, scratch an INTJ, find a scientist, certainly true in my case. The classification fits me to a T. I imagine most here are familiar with M-B but, if not, here’s a brief outline of it. Fun reading.
I've taken the Myers-Briggs test several times (both through evening college classes and through jobs), and I know I've had 3 different results, although I am certain they were not radically different Types. At a high level, I don't think that people often (if ever) switch from Being Introverts to Extroverts. It is an interesting thing to do. I was going to post a link to an online test for anyone who's interested to take it and share/discuss results, but I'm not sure which ones will just give you the results and which will require an email address. We all know how that invested time in filling out questionnaires, and at the end they spring the "Enter Your Email Address For The Results" surprise on you.
A few places I worked administered the tests and once, when I was trying to decide about career paths, it was one of the tests a vocational psychologist administered. He showed me the results and kind of got a chuckle out of my lopsided scores. I was actually 100:0 on Thinking vs. Feeling. I was always clearly INTJ on all of them though.
I think introvert and extrovert characteristics can be both situational and variable in intensity.depending on the situation, circumstances and context.
WOW!!! We don't need no stinkin' nuance I wish I had saved my tests. I believe I, too, was an INTJ. Nothing changed radically for me, but life experiences caused subtle shifts. Perhaps Jung's underlying theories are correct, but there's no accurate way to measure psyche at a granular level. When I was tired of the corporate grind and wanted to strike out on my own, I hired a Career Coach. It was rather fascinating. One of the tests she administered was The Strong Campbell Interest Inventory. It's an inventory of your likes and dislikes, which are then compared to the vocations/avocations of those with similar interests. Highly unscientific, purely subjective, but really interesting.
Yes! This psychologist I mentioned also had me take that test. I was considering leaving the lab environment and going into sales/marketing (money decision). My friend, who went on to become a lawyer was telling me I should go into law. My results from that test, in numbers 1, 2 and 3 order of match, were 1. psychologist 2. patent attorney and 3. biologist. For those that don’t know, the basis of the Strong test is a large pile of data on what kinds of things people in various professions enjoy or find rewarding. By questioning the test subject on a multitude of likes and rewarding experiences, they can work in reverse to match you with the people in professions that had similar interests and experiences. Since I found my way to being a biologist, and was considering law, it seemed pretty accurate to me. The surprise was to see psychologist as number 1, didn’t expect that. I ended up taking the sales/marketing (S/M!) path because law school would be a major set back in time and money whereas I could try sales for a bit and, if I couldn’t take it, I would be ahead financially. I didn’t like sales but after the initial trauma, the money was too good so I stuck it out, even went into product management for a spell.
i was always outgoing...never met a stranger... nowadays...i am a recluse .... people are different and times are different
I don't know if people are really different, or if the [intentional] pressures being put on us make us more defensive. I refuse to yield to the pressure that drives wedges between us with a "divide & conquer" intent. If I'm out & about and I chat with someone and they find it pleasing and nonthreatening, they maybe they will give themselves permission to do likewise with others.
I tend to be more outgoing in a one-on-one situation, but in a large group of people with everyone talking at once, I turn off. I lose focus and it becomes just talking for talking's sake. To label myself though, I'm more introvert than extrovert.
you thinking more about it...maybe coz my husband and me...share this quiet life...we do small things round the a little routine... don't have to entertain or impress anyone...things like that