I have been reading about how much the fermented drinks like kombucha help to kill unwanted bacterial and yeast infections, so it makes sense to me that the wine could be of benefit for that as well. The yeast from the fermented drink literally eat the bad yeast, according to what I have been reading.
I'll drink to that. it helps with BG too, at least red wine does. I just don't drink it as often as I should.
Exactly! Being from the NW I bet you are familiar with the power of Elderberry wine. It is probably the most powerful for urinary infections, but I could never make it taste very good. The cutleaf blackberry was my favorite and it differs from the other varieties of blackberries.
Lime and coconut is good for you too, You get the fats plus the vitimin C, ot is so good they even wrote a song about it." you put the lime in the coconut, mix em both together........
This is something I keep going back & forth on with my bladder bacteria issues. Acidic drinks (lemon juice, vinegar) actually have alkalizing properties once metabolized...they do not make your urine more acidic, they make it more base. The benefit of that seems to depend on who you ask, if they even understand this acid-becomes-base behaviour. -Some urologists claim that drinking lemon juice has no effect on your urine -Lemon juice reduces uric acid levels which may help prevent gout -Lemon juice is generally recognized as being somewhat beneficial to preventing kidney stones (NIH) -Lemon juice is generally recognized as NOT being a remedy for an existing UTI (you need meds for this) -Lemon juice as a UTI preventative is a more complex issue Bladder bacteria thrive in an alkaline environment, so it seems to make sense to keep urine as acidic as possible and take the risk of increased stone formation. But I read an article I cannot lay my hands on right now that stated while making your urine more alkaline increases the risk of bacteria, it also increases the volume of your natural bacteria fighters (Tip: Do not tell your urologist this if you don't want to be labeled an idiot.) If I find that article, I'll post it here.
Their are four concerns to treating female bladder and urinary tract infections. Enhance the individual’s internal defenses against the infection by providing immune support. Restore vaginal and bladder microflora, enhancing the flow of urine. Promote a proper pH. Most important is preventing bacteria from adhering to the bladder epithelium. Unsweetened, undiluted, cranberry juice is the best known remedy for female infections of a urinary kind, but many natural juices will work and fermenting or just allowing it to become vinegar will make it more powerful. Apple cider vinegar has improved the attitude of many a female suffering such a malady once they got it down without vomiting.
According to Dr.Berg on YT, diabetes is a liver disease so I drink it for that among other things I cant recall at the moment, It really does work for diabetes. Good luck with whatever you can find to help you.I feel for you.
No kidding. I have had regular UTIs when I was young and that is no picnic. I'm still puzzled about this "silent UTI" thing and if it will cause issues down the line.
I've had them too and know what your saying. I would lay in the tub till I could get to a doctor. Always helped me to stop the burning .
I dilute it with water 4:1 (4TB water, 1TB vinegar.) This is needed so you don't burn your esophagus and to prevent the erosion of tooth enamel. I also add a dash of cinnamon, because it's good for you. Using an unfiltered organic vinegar (with the Mother) makes it milder and gives you probiotics to boot.
The best way to clear up a bladder infection once you have one, is with antibiotics. Natural remedies are just that remedies, IE prevention. Women get UTIs more often because a woman's urethra (the tube from the bladder to where the urine comes out of the body) is shorter than a man's. This makes it easier for bacteria to get into the bladder.