I would rather be in a room with everyone having a gun than one insane person with any kind of weapon. Guns do not kill but insane people will even the ones that do not have guns. The government stages all these school shooting to get people upset and they stop thinking rationally and the government now blames the guns because they want the honest people disarmed. Crooks and the insane will always have guns because they do not listen to the laws.
Ed, I liked your reply but not because I agree with you about guns. The pros and cons or firearms have been well debated so we don't have to get into all that here. From what I've read of your posts I gather you are a sincere person so I can respect your opinion without agreeing with it. Happy Tuesday, dood.
The shootings yesterday in Allen Texas got to me. We had friends who had lived there for years , glad they moved. My daughter was at that mall last week end !Also last week end her 17 year old wanted to go to a neighboring town to a Fair. For some reason her mom said no. There was a shooting there that day. I fall asleep soon as I lay down, but for some reason I have been up almost all night. Maybe 2 hours sleep, though i do not remember thinking about the shooting from yesterday. So weary of it all.
I have cousins I have never met in or around Allen. Such shootings are just a sign of the time. I haven't studied the supposed reasons this shooting happened, but sure glad there wasn't a racial element that the haters of America could latch on too. Even though we may not think things like this bother our sleep, they do especially if we know the areas they occur. Hope you sleep good tonight. These mass shootings make me more aware of shopping early when a minimal number of people are there and avoiding crowds.
Remember the smell of Nuac Mam? At head camp, I can’t remember which one was worse; the burning of human waste (crap) or the cooking of Nuac Mam when the mama sans got ready to eat.
You are right, it is a sign of the times. But it is because of the media. Actually, The worst mass school killing in America was not done with guns. So the haters latch onto the 2nd amendment. Was it a gun free zone? Hundreds of people are injured in killed in vehicle accidents daily. We don't fight car ownership. I have a friend who is deathly afraid of flying because of plane crashes heard on the news. I think of the movie French Kiss. with the flight phobia class and Meg Ryan.
I saw one ARVN with a rotten bird in his back pack. Terrible smell. Nothing is worse than a bloody bloated dead body that has been out in the sun after being covered with mint oil,. the Buddhist Faith I think it was who would sprinkle the mint over their dead. The ARVN Buddhist usually carried a little bottle. Bad enough you fly all day but then have to pull floor plates when you get home just to try and get the smell washed out, if you were lucky enough to have running water on the flight line. We did have a one pad wash rack.
These mass shootings are due to all those who got the jabs, they are going NUTS, and or the loss of employment and income all due to covid fraud.
Seriously Joy, seriously? Mass shooting were going on a long time before the covid bioterrorism. The lockdown and unsocial behavior we were forced into, did have an effect on society, but I can't say the chemicals injected had anything to do with it. I had the 2 main injections and 1 booster before I drew the line. I had to have those to get the medical care I needed. I am still the same person I was before covid and injections. Reviewing SOC threads before covid, I would say it changed no one here. We are just older and crankier over the nonsense passed off as science and the destroying of the last of Democracy.
The worst mass murder in U.S. history was carried out with 1$ worth of gasoline, no guns. Check out Happy Land Nightclub.
Mass shootings seem to increase as more restrictions are placed on guns. When I was young, I could go to a gun store and buy a rifle at 12 years old and nobody cared. Almost everyone had a gun in their car in high school so we could go hunting as soon as school was out. When guns were an accepted part of life, there were few if any shootings, but now that they are restricted and the shooters become celebrities, the shootings increase. I just heard an interview this morning with a guy who trains school staff to carry in schools. Not a single child has been killed in schools where the staff are armed and trained.
I think back when I was a kid and I’d tell my mom I was going shooting. I had a .22 rifle and I’d just walk around with my rifle to find something fun to shoot. No one ever said anything.
No, I'm not buying that. Attributing every bad thing to something (or someone) we hate doesn't pass the logic test.