
Discussion in 'Notices & Announcements' started by Admin, Jan 6, 2016.

  1. Dave Sun

    Dave Sun Veteran Member

    Apr 15, 2015
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    Either one are a pain in the arse, Holly.
    Holly Saunders likes this.
  2. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Excellent! You're fast! I was about to report this to you, so I'm glad I looked here first. Amazing how anyone can think that people will just hand over bank account information. Wait, does this mean I won't get my $9M? Well pooh! :p
  3. Admin

    Admin Forum Administrator
    Staff Member Greeter Registered

    Jan 19, 2015
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    We don't have a lot of rules here. Our basic rules are 1) Try not to be too annoying; and 2) Try not to be too easily annoyed.

    As long as everyone is here in good faith, these basic rules will do. It is important to realize that people do have varying levels of toleration. Recognizing that, and working both upward and downward, we should try not to post things that we have reason to know are going push buttons triggering someone else's annoyance, and we should also try not to be too sensitive about our own buttons being pressed. On the one hand, if the intention appears to be to set someone off, then that would fall under the category of being too annoying. On the other hand, some people seem to have their annoyance levels set so low as to prohibit any discussion of anything they might disagree with. The true purpose of political correctness is to restrict conversation, and that would fall into the category of being too easily annoyed.

    In our attempt to achieve a balance, there won't necessarily be a place for those on either of these extremes, and my desire is to move these lines as far in either direction as we can while still having a forum where most people will be comfortable, yet free to discuss things that are of interest to them.

    Some common areas that I'd like to stay away from are off-color jokes or the sorts of remarks of a sexual nature that make a lot of people uncomfortable. If you were to tell that story or joke in an average family restaurant, would people give you dirty looks? If the story is one that you could only tell in a bar among friends who are telling the same type of stories, then it's probably not suitable for this forum.

    I am not going to get caught in the trap that so many forum administrators have gotten into, of having to write voluminous rules covering every possible situation, but which I wouldn't expect you to read anyhow. If a decision has to be made, I will determine, as fairly as I know how to do, whether someone is being too annoying or whether someone else is simply being too easily annoyed, and since I am an imperfect person, it's best not to ride along the edges.

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