The Pit And The Peak Of Your Day

Discussion in 'Happy Talk' started by Holly Saunders, Oct 26, 2017.

  1. Tony Page

    Tony Page Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    I took a COVID home test today, it came back positive. I suspected I might have COVID because Of a loss of appetite, and when I did eat everything tasted off.
    My grandson stayed home from school today feeling sick he tested positive also.
    My wife also tested positive. So it's a family affair.
    1st time since last Thursday I woke up without a fever and feeling good so I went out for a brief errand.
    Looks like we'll be to start moving our things from the mobile home to our refurb house this weekend.
  2. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Hope you and the rest of the family are doing better, Tony. Good luck with the move.
    Faye Fox likes this.
  3. Tony Page

    Tony Page Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    Covert has been kicking our butt. My daughter went to Urgent Care yesterday she has it, they told her to go to emergency for an IV which she did, they prescribed a steroid for her.
    I'm not as bad as I was at its peak but I'm still not feeling right I have my ups and downs. Breathing has been difficult and I get tired very fast.
    Faye Fox and Beth Gallagher like this.
  4. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    Pit: Got lost for almost an hour coming back from the dentist today. Tried to find a new way home to avoid the 5 o'clock traffic. Our town is famous for lack of road signs. Kept getting in the wrong lanes.

    The cellphone wouldn't tell me where I was on the map. Even though it knows exactly where I'm at most of the time. I've never had the patience to set up the GPS on the car yet. I'd have to pull over to look at it for anything useful anyway.

    Peak: Chocolate ice cream for dinner. :)
  5. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    The saga of my truck continues. The dealer installed the instrument cluster and discovered that the cable connecting the Body Control Module and the Engine Computer Module is bad. More money and another week.
  6. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    The one thing you should definitely save in the GPS is your home address. Then you can select it real easy, and it will take you there from wherever you are. My GPS required no set-up. You just enter the destination address and drive.

    Glad you got the dental work behind you.
    Hedi Mitchell and Nancy Hart like this.
  7. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Pits: Got our new (transfered) Boat Owners "Pink Slip" yesterday in the mail, but, after looking at it, it listed the wrong Model of our boat. Our boat is a 20 foot Cuddy Cabin, not a 19 foot Bowrider. Called the Nevada Wildlife Department, who registers boats, and they told us that our Florida Boat Owners "Pink Slip" had written on it "19' Bowrider" under Model. We never really looked at the Florida "Pink Slip", just put it in our SDB. Well, now they are telling us that we have to bring the boat, which is on the trailer, to them to verify that it is a Cuddy Cabin. This has nothing to do with the boat registration, that they gave us the stuff to put on our boat. The "Pink Slip" will have to be changed when we sell the boat. So, until then, we can take the boat out on the water.
    The other "Pit": We have to take the boat/trailer to local DVD to verify ID number on trailer. Will do that later as well.

    Peak: Learning all of the electronic/computer stuff on our 2021 Durango. Absolutely amazing what stuff is on this!
    Hedi Mitchell likes this.
  8. Von Jones

    Von Jones Supreme Member

    Jan 25, 2015
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    An update on My Girl.

    The insurance deemed her as totalled. :oops: Reason being age she is 20 years old this year. I cancelled the claim and drove her home. The only thing that bothered me was the missing driver's side mirror. So I stayed in the center lane to avoid having to look to my left. A couple of days later I drove to my mechanic to see how much it would cost me to have the mirror replaced, $200 part and labor. I was ready to dish it out before my spirit said to hold off and I did for a couple of weeks. I inspected the broken mirror carefully. The only thing really wrong with it was the mirror itself. The casing wasn't damaged and it fit fine when I set it back on. So I started searching on Ebay for just the mirror part and found it. It arrived Wednesday before Thanksgiving :).

    So My Girl looks sweet with a couple of scars but who doesn't have scars, right? I'm a happy camper :).
  9. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Oh let me count the ways--sigh. We had Tnxgng. at nieces house. Dinner was not until 7:30 pm.they had ac on because claims its too hot cooking.I am cold intolerant-- thank you meds. Got home about 10:30 to see dog tore up the laundry room. Let just say we had no sleep to speak of, so slept off and on Friday. Found out we all had been exposed to Covid..big time. Very closed in house, every space is full with something. If niece who is studying to be a nurse misses one day she is kicked from program. :(. Hoping none of us gets it.
    Dog had me up until 3 this morning. Crying to be let out of the crate we just received. We are trying to get her use to the crate. It started snowing at 5 am and is still going hard- suppose to most of the day.
    i keep eating here and there, so my appetite is in tack.I am cold, hacked off, and concerned for many reasons of various things.Trying to be all smiley and upbeat. Not working well I feel grouchy. :mad::eek::rolleyes:
  10. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Pit: Thanksgiving dinner, at the big Truck Stop restaurant, was good, while eating it. Unfortunately, I got major diarrhea that night. At leftovers last night and my wife wound up with some stomach pains. Pepto Bismol time for both of us.

    At breakfast, wife had to sit on wooden bench at local restaurant. Back/shoulder pain kicked in later in the day. Out came Tylenol Extra Strength! After breakfast, went looking for a sofa sleeper. My wife is very color-coordinated and wants nothing but black. Sofa sleepers aren't that popular anymore.

    Peak: She still has two more days off of work.
    Yvonne Smith and John Brunner like this.
  11. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    A small Peak. The woman who exposed us to covid, is doing fine and well enough to drive back to Texas. She has only had sinus issues so far, she has had all the shots and plus some. Her husband who stayed home, is better and no fever since Thursday..he has not any shots. So am hoping we will be fine. Playing like we will be anyway ;)
    Also she said the test ran very lite and could barley see a positive.. supposedly the darker the worse you are? Have you heard of that ?
    Tony Page and John Brunner like this.
  12. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    I've heard that the self-tests are crap and prone to false positives (they do come from China.) If it was her self-test that caused you to think you were exposed to COVID, you should worry more about getting hit by an asteroid than catching COVID from her. (I gotta laugh at someone who has had all those shots and still insists on shoving tests up their sinuses...or maybe I feel sorry for them.)

    That being said, I had a bit of a sore throat this morning and started to worry. I was at a large gathering of strangers on Thursday, and took a friend out to lunch yesterday. That restaurant was crowded...we had to wait to get a table. And it's buffet style, so you're always up & mingling with the unwashed masses. I feel fine now, except for a little sinus drainage. (That's typical of me to feel as though I'm on the verge of catching something, and then it subsides rather rapidly.)
  13. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    I do not know about her situation in entirety.. I do know - I am so sick of this S #^T .. always something out to get us.
    Tony Page and John Brunner like this.
  14. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    I sometimes remember to carry this with me when I go out:

    nasal spray.jpg

    Amazon carries it. [link] It contains xylitol (used as a sugar substitute) and grapefruit seed extract, both of which are supposed to kill viruses before they progress beyond our nasal passages. There are a couple of brands of nasal spray on Amazon that contain those 2 ingredients (I found nothing in the stores that have it.) I'll sometimes take a snort of it in my car when leaving a crowded shopping experience (if I remember to carry it), or I'll do it when I get home.

    I also gargle with mouthwash after shopping because it also contains an ingredient that kills viruses. The ingredient that kills viruses is cetylpyridinium chloride. Lots of versions of Crest and ACT mouthwashes contain it, but Walmart's brand does not, so read the labels.

    I'm not real hyper about COVID, but with all the masking and isolating, people's immune systems are low so all flus may run rampant for a while. I think these 2 things are reasonable (and effective) precautions.
    Tony Page and Hedi Mitchell like this.
  15. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    @John Brunner -- i use Aloe gel by Ayre ..tiny dab in nose. I use hand sanitizer and use my shirt or coat sleeves. I always wash my hands soap and water soon as I walk in door..even before we ever heard of Covid. But isnt this air born?
    Another thing i have always done, clean all remotes and phones and other hand areas we use.
    Tony Page and John Brunner like this.

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