I was concerned when I heard cries of Helllllllllp! Hellllllp! coming from a hay loft. I went to see if I could be of assistance. Barn owner had peacocks.
That reminds me of back when I was a teenager and riding my horse all over the countryside. There was one house that sat way back off the road and we could barely see the house at the far end of the driveway. I rode with a couple of friends and we always heard someone crying for help when we rode past that house. I kept telling my mother about it, (we girls were sure that there were kidnapped children at that house and calling out for help when someone went past on the road) so finally my mother and I drove out by there in the car and stopped to listen. After listening for a while, my mom explained that it was actually peacocks that were screeching and not kidnapped children.
Pileated Woodpecker. They’re about the size of a crow. I have some similar pictures of one demolishing an old stump in our side yard. It had a big wood pile like this and when I first saw him, the only thing I could see was his ass end sticking up out of the hole he had made down into it. Cool birds.