Countries are working on some kind of a quantum computer and Dr. Michio Kaku said whoever comes up with this computer will "rule the world." I understand none of it other than being very nervous about Professor Kaku's statement.
I first heard of Dr. Michio Kaku on the Art Bell Show (Coast to Coast and subsequent shows), as he was one of his regular guests. While his show was my favorite radio show of all time, most of his guests were somewhat less than credible, particularly the climate change experts he brought on, who named various dates as to when the world would be completely without oil or when our coasts would be underwater, all of which came and went without notice; but, like the Jehovah's Witnesses, the climate change experts simply changed their dates and kept on ticking.
Yes I watched the program, and heard the statement. ....... Scary as all hell if it is anywhere near accurate !!!
I watched it and all 60 Minutes shows,every Sunday.Except when it's not on because of some silly sport.