Trump Assassination Attempts

Discussion in 'Politics & Government' started by Yvonne Smith, Jul 13, 2024.

  1. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    I think that is a state-by state thing.
    Denise Evans likes this.
  2. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    I think the Deep State might have been behind the Butler attempt, but I think this guy was just wacko. In both case the Secret Service didn't really do what was needed, but at least in the Florida incident, they fired at the assailant before the bad guy got anybody killed. I find it interesting that the SS agent did not hit his target however. If he/she was using a handgun, I maybe could understand it, but if the agent was using a rifle of any kind, a professional protection agent should be able to hit a man-sized target at 300 yards.
  3. Vada Bloom

    Vada Bloom Very Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2023
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    This is interesting. The suspects phone was pinging in the area of the golf course for 12 hours ahead of the SS agent shooting at him. It first pinged at 2 am so he hid in the brush then. How did he know that Trump would be playing golf 12 hours later?

    Was someone feeding information to this guy? The golf game was off the record. There was no public notice of it. Who would know other than the SS or the FBI?

    Rouse has contacts in Iran, in the Taliban. in Ukraine and even in the US government if that story that I linked to from The NY Times is correct. I don't believe this guy was a lone actor. I would bet a bunch that he was getting information from somebody.
  4. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I still think Obamas were guilty on this one Ed :rolleyes:
    Tony Page and Ed Wilson like this.
  5. John Nopales

    John Nopales Very Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2021
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    He probably meant himself. :cool:
  6. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    They have been digging and it looks like there was communication between Rouse, Crooks, and Matthew Yearick, who was also part of the Crooks shooting, and involved with Rouse in the Ukraine trips. Probably more will be coming out about this.
    As far as I can tell, DeSantis is keeping Rouse, and refusing to turn him over to the FBI at this point, so maybe Florida will have better luck getting to the story of what happened than we got from the botched up FBI results from the first attempt to kill Trump.

    Another interesting thing, is that MSNBC also happened to be filming Trump as he was playing golf yesterday. In July, CNN carried the Trump Talley live, and had their best photographers set up for the shots if Trump had been killed on live TV. It is the only time they have carried any of Trumps rallies, ever.
    Now, we have MSNBC, who never carries anything like that about Trump either, out there filming him on the golf course, while talking about him being shot and killed.
    (This is a screenshot from the video)

  7. Jacob Petersheim

    Jacob Petersheim Very Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2024
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    And of course now they're going after Musk for what sure sounds like an obvious observation to me.
  8. Kate Ellery

    Kate Ellery Supreme Member

    Dec 12, 2015
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    I hate violence of any description…..but someone’s hiring people to take shots at you know who …think they better not pay with peanuts in future …cause they both missed ..or are they warning shots ….I'm not interested in politics but we get an overload of Mr T on ….tv and ….radio news
  9. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Musk should know that the MSM will take any joke and treat it as breaking news. They did that to Trump for his entire first term.
  10. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    J.D. Vance tweet regarding the assassination attempts:

    Yesterday, Donald J. Trump nearly lost his life. An armed gunman waited for him in the bushes. He brought a go-pro camera to record it. A secret service agent spotted the barrel of a gun through a fence and shot at the gunman. The gunman fled. He was caught. And now we slowly learn about him and his motive.

    President Trump is my running mate, and my friend, but he is more importantly a father and grandfather to people who love him very much. I want him to have many more years with his family. (And selfishly, I'd like many more with my own.) I admire the president for calling for peace and calm. The rhetoric is out of control. It nearly got Steve Scalise and many others killed a few years ago. It nearly got Donald Trump killed twice. But I want to say something about yesterday's news, and how it illuminates the difference between vigorous debate and violent rhetoric.

    Here is what we know so far: Kamala Harris has said that "Democracy is on the line" in her race against President Trump. The gunman agreed, and used the exact same phrase. He had a Kamala Harris bumper sticker on his truck. He was obsessed with Ukraine's "fight for Democracy" and absorbed many unhinged views about the Russia-Ukraine war. HIs name is Ryan Routh, and he donated 19 times to Democrat causes and zero to Republican ones.

    How do you think the Democrats and their media allies would respond if a 19-time Republican donor tried to kill a Democratic official? It's a question that answers itself. For years, Kamala Harris's campaign surrogates have said things like "Trump has to be eliminated." And how have their media allies responded to the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump in as many months?

    NBC News called the attempted assassination a "golf club incident." The LA Times told us "Trump Targeted at Golf Club." The USA Today's top of the fold headline is "Hope in America," and they published a preposterous letter to the editor arguing that Trump "brings these assassination attempts on himself." CNN's Dana Bash--who just yesterday bizarrely accused me of inciting a bomb threat--said today that Harris campaign rhetoric didn't motivate Routh even though he echoed their rhetoric explicitly.

    PBS's weekend show perfectly illustrates the double standard of Kamala Harris's media friends. After spending 30 seconds on the second assassination attempt on President Trump, they then focused on the real danger: me and President Trump, who are, according to them, personally responsible for bomb threats against Springfield. Of course, I repeatedly condemend those threats. And reports today suggest they came from a foreign country, not--as the media suggested--a deranged Trump fan.

    The double standard is breathtaking. Donald Trump and I are, by their account, directly responsible for bomb threats from foreign countries. Why? Because we had the audacity to repeat what residents told us about the problems in their town. Meanwhile, Harris allies call for Trump to be eliminated as the media publishes arguments that he deserved to be shot.
    This seems like a double standard. But at a deep level, it is entirely consistent.

    Consider Springfield. Citizens are telling us that there are problems. These include the undeniable truths of higher car accidents, unaffordable housing, evictions of residents, overcrowded hospitals, overstressed schools, and rising rates of disease. They also include the infamous pet stories--which, again, multiple people have spoken about (either on video or to me or my staff). Kamala Harris's first strategy was to ignore these people and their concerns. Yes, she had prevented the deportation of millions of illegal aliens, and some of them made their way to Springfield. But it was a small town with no voice. Some of the local leadership even loved the cheap labor. So the suffering of thousands of American citizens went ignored.

    Their next move with these stories is censorship. In Springfield, a psychopath (or a foreign government) calls in a bomb threat, so they blame that on President Trump (and me). The threat of violence is disgraceful of course, yet the media seems to relish it. They cover a bomb threat, but not the rise in murders. They cover the threat, but not the HIV uptick. They cover the threat, not the schools overwhelmed with new kids who don't speak English. They cover the threat, not rising insurance rates or the car accidents that caused them. They cover the threat, not the failures of Kamala Harris's leadership.

    The purpose is not to turn down the rhetoric. If anything, covering the bomb threats gives whoever makes them exactly what he wants: attention. The purpose is distraction and shame. How dare you talk about the problems of Haitian migration in Springfield? You're endangering people, simply by discussing the problems of Kamala Harris's policies. It's a form of moral blackmail, designed not to make anyone safe but to shut everyone up.

    Springfield is the most recent, but hardly the most egregious example. There was the Hunter Biden laptop story, censored by BigTech. And who can forget that anyone who didn't support Kamala Harris's Ukraine policy was drenched in the blood of Ukrainian children. That last one appears to have had some effect on Routh--the most recent would-be assassin. The message is always the same: don't you dare express an opinion on the public affairs of your nation. The message is: shut up.

    This is the difference between debate--even aggressive debate--and censorship. It is one thing to attack Kamala Harris for "destroying the country" and quite another to say that President Trump should be "eliminated." It is one thing to criticize overheated rhetoric, and another to say that a former president has invited an assassination on himself. It is one thing to say that Donald J. Trump's arguments about the election of 2020 are wrong; it is another thing to attempt to remove him from the ballot over it.

    It is one thing to say that pets are not, in fact being eaten, and another thing to say that anyone who disagrees is trying to murder people. Dissent, even vigorous dissent, is a great tradition of the United States. Censorship is not.

    For the next 7 weeks of this campaign, I will vigorously defend your right to speak your mind. I believe you have every right to criticize me and Donald J. Trump, even if you say terrible or untrue things about us. But when I ask you to "tone down the rhetoric" it's not about being nice--our citizens have every right to be mean, even if I don't like it--or empty platitudes.

    Instead, I'm asking all of us to reject censorship. Reject the idea that you can control what other people think and say. Embrace persuasion of your fellow citizens over silencing them--either through the powers of Big Tech or through moral blackmail.

    I think this will make our public debate much better. But there's something else. Reject censorship and you reject political violence. embrace censorship, and you will inevitably embrace violence on its behalf.

    The reason is simple. The logic of censorship leads directly to one place, for there is only one way to permanently silence a human being: put a bullet in his brain.
  11. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I’m waiting for the final charges that will be levied against Routh.

    I’m not trying to play the devil’s advocate but the guy was on the other side of the fence which means he was more than likely on public property.
    They haven’t said yet if he actually had a mag in the AK or whether a round was chambered.
    And, they haven’t yet established whether or not Routh actually fired a shot.
    So far, beyond some chatter there hasn’t been a written or established manifesto or declaration that his intentions were to kill Donald Trump.

    Basically, all I’m writing is that if he was indeed on public land and with no round chambered or shot and no established proof of his intent then the most they can actually get the guy on would be based on Florida’s open carry laws.
    In Florida, with few exceptions it is illegal to open carry a firearm so it might just be that Routh could get off with a slap on the wrist especially if his backers provide a really good lawyer.

    or……he could just hang himself whilst heavily guarded in jail and we’ll never know if he has or whom his backers are.

    Edit: Okay, Routh is a convicted felon and isn’t allowed to own a firearm but thus far, no one knows how he got the AK.
    Still, that won’t add a whole lot of time to the open carry or not as much if they can prove he was there to murder Trump.
    Strange also, he voted for Trump in the 2016 elections.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2024
  12. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    From an Amerian Thinker article:

    During an eight-minute hearing, prosecutors levied two charges against him: possessing a firearm despite a prior felony conviction and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number. Officials said Routh could face up to 15 years in prison if convicted on the first charge, and a possible five-year sentence on the second charge.

    A bond hearing has been scheduled for Sept. 23, and a probable cause hearing or arraignment has been set for Sept. 30, depending on whether the government secures an indictment on the charges.
    Bobby Cole and Vada Bloom like this.
  13. Vada Bloom

    Vada Bloom Very Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2023
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    Routh wasn’t local and it’s hard for me to believe he just stumbled across that hiding place in the bushes. There could be a media person in the chain of connections between the shooters as easily as anyone else.

    It’s crazy that the SS didn’t do a sweep of the golf course at anytime that morning before Trump went on to the course or that they didn’t close the street. If they had done a perimeter check with a dog they would have found Rouse. Local police would have handled the street closure so shortage of SS personnel is not a good excuse for the cars passing so close.

    It’s being said that the media is normalizing assassination.
  14. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Only for Republicans. On Sunday, my husband was watching football and the regular networks didn't even break in to announce the attempt on Trump. If I hadn't seen it on the internet we wouldn't have known it happened.
  15. Vada Bloom

    Vada Bloom Very Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2023
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    My first notice of Sunday's attempt was a local news alert.

    Even Chris Cuomo commented on media lack of reaction. It's surprising to see him criticize media but he's on News Nation now so maybe that's why.

    From the article:

    NewsNation anchor Chris Cuomo sharply rebuked American media for what he said was a “lack of reaction” to the second apparent assassination attempt against former President Trump in the last few months.

    Cuomo opened his monologue during the Monday night broadcast of “Cuomo” by chastising those who have sought to downplay the incident or who have suggested the public not “make too much of it.”

    Addressing those who say, “But the guy didn’t even shoot,” Cuomo said, growing increasingly animated, “He had an AK-47 pointed at him.”

    “The reaction is unacceptable,” he continued. “And it’s the second time media and political players have gotten away with playing down what should be a cause for panic.”

    After those remarks he reverted to type.

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