Thanks Louis, you do seem to have a few years on me! Having been born in the immediate aftermath of the war with family just up the bay from the home of the British Navy I cannot help but have an interest in those early years in England even though I only saw the later results. Will try and have a little to say from your northern border as we go along.
My mother was British (WW2 bride.) She belonged to a British club. You may have heard of the TransAtlantic Brides and Parents Association (TBPA.) It was in the states and in Canada as a way for the British brides of our respective soldiers to stay connected. One of her friends was Cockney. I cracked some of the code. When she said "I'm going up the frog," I replied "Ta ta."
Because I live alone and sometimes when I've not seen another human for a.couple of days I have a place to go.Most of the topics here I can't speak to because I'm not knowledgeable in them but I do love the Cartoons.I found one on YouTube called Simons Cat.It's hillarious.