This drip has been going on and off for about a year. Never had t his before. Had allergy issues long time ago, but years of grape seed extract got rid of allergy issues. I still take grape seed and feel fine but this DRIP continues.... Maybe someone here has this. Old Age the Cause???? Stouffers fiiods are my only change in diet and I enjoy having some of them now and then...could be something in them.....
It could be a new allergy, Joy. We can develop an allergy at any time, or so I've read. I get hay fever in the fall that causes clear mucus, and sometimes itchy eyes.
It's a normal response of your body due to some type of pollution that's getting into your sinuses, most likely from breathing in particles like dust, pollen, pet dander and so on.
This year in the morning I'll have a drip that needs immediate attention with a tissue, not sure why or where it came. It is clear so just nasal drip.
Msrie, as I read your notes, I'm eating a Lean Cusine Lasanga and dripping and blowing in a tissue... The hot food and the preservatives, I have early morning drip too, Figure this is from back sleeping all night and mucous is coming out. From a health friend: You could try using homeopathic onion. It's called Allium. Probably a C30 but you could go lower. I have not tried this Yet. I
The homeopathic Allium is taking LIKE remedy for your issue. That is how homeopathic is said to work. Give Like to Like... Normally handling a real onion can make one eyes water and nose run. I have NOT used real onions lately.