LOL - reminded me of a similar incident when I was 5 & my brother was 7. (I never liked him & neither did my sister. He always stole from us & broke our toys.) Our mom took us downtown to a market. After loading the groceries, I got in the front seat & we headed for home. After we parked, our mom looked at the empty rear seat & asked me, "Where's your brother?" I said, "He's in the parking lot at the market." She yelled, "Why didn't you tell me he wasn't in the car?" I said, "I don't like him, I thought we were supposed to leave him there." We went back to the market. He was in the parking attendant's booth, crying.
Update- brother still in hospital. Two blood infusions again yesterday. Waiting to see what happens today.
I'm seeing more typos and misspellings in my post, so looks like I'm going to have to proofread 3 times instead of 1.
My husband is developing a habit that is driving me to distraction. For some reason, he walks out the back door and does NOT close the door behind him. Just strolls outside without a backward glance apparently. At least 3 times in the past week I have walked into the den and the back door is wide open; "he" is nowhere to be seen. This is mosquito season so it annoys the hell out of me. I guess this is why some old people get crabby; they have to deal with other old people's senior moments as well as their own. I'm too busy trying to find my coffee cup; I don't have time to be closing the damn door.
As the young kids say..."I feel ya!" Two old retired people rattling around in the same house, day in and day out. Oy!
My mother, a gentile. proper woman, used to quote Erma Bombeck in that she married my dad for better or worse---But NOT for lunch! She kept a proper home but was unprepared for his retirement and having her for his employment. Finding MY big coffee mug is definitely job one.