Denise, how about a large, sturdy stool? We bought one for Bubba to use until he got big enough not to need it. It has something on the legs to keep it from slipping and rubber on the top part to keep your foot from slipping. It's about 5 inches high.
I thought my friends would laugh on FB but the two that read are crying for me, LOL!! Oh well, I admit I was feeling so funny this a.m. but the days has turned out simple "mov'alous" doll'ing!!
Handy, very handy. I'd hate to attempt that in the dead of night. My luck someone would drive off with me "dangling" and groping!
Thanks. I actually have one. I kept it in our RV long ago. Put it in my mom's room in our one bathroom house when she stayed with us. Lent it to a friend when she had her knee replaced. I put it upstairs for hubby because he said he had problems getting up from the john. But he won't use it. Says he will wait till he gets old. I might put it down the basement, in the summer, where we don't have a toilet.