Tony's Catch All Journal

Discussion in 'Personal Diaries' started by Tony Page, Dec 30, 2023.

  1. Tony Page

    Tony Page Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    Update--- My daughter informed me there was a second pole down. The pole I saw was on the corner of a cul de sac, there was a 2nd pole down inside the cul de sac, that was out of my view.
    They supposedly going to work overnight (around the clock).
  2. Tony Page

    Tony Page Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    They did finish the job of getting power back on for the houses across the street from me by Thanksgiving morning.

    The finishing touches were completed today on the painting of the shed. We decided to put a railing on one side of the ramp. I ordered the material from Home Depoe, it's coming in 5 deliveries. the first delivery came this morning, it included enough material to start the job. The fellow that painted the shed and installed the ramp will be putting up the railing.
    My daughter has been pulling tubs of Christmas decorations out of storage in the basement, and my wife will join her in decorating the house. I'm just sitting back enjoying Christmas music while they're decorating. Last year we did a minimal decorating, already I can see by the amount of decorations my daughter found they'll be a lot more.
  3. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Is the ramp for the shed to put equipment away, or do you need a ramp for other purposes? I may have missed it.
  4. Tony Page

    Tony Page Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    Yes, the shed will be used to put some rolling equipment away, I have a Sunjoe leaf shredder and electric power washer, lawn mower, edger, wheel barrels as well as gardening supplies & tools.
    I will be using it to hold 12 tubs of vinyl records, until I check them out. I will probably get rid of most of them, there are a few that are special to me.
    The ramp is also good because I use a wagon That one of my older grandsons gave me about 20 years ago when he outgrew it, I use it a lot. I can't carry some stuff anymore, but I sure can roll it. Maybe I should use it to have the GK roll me around.:)
    Don Alaska likes this.
  5. Tony Page

    Tony Page Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    My wife, daughter, and three grandkids finished putting the Christmas tree up last night. Some of the inside decorations we're done also. I know some people put their Christmas tree up on Christmas Eve, but we would rather enjoy it during the beginning of the Christmas season. We keep it up until "Little Christmas," which is January 6.

    There was a time I couldn't wait for the Christmas decorations to come down, because we decorated the bay windows which statues and small Christmas trees, these were the same windows I used to start my seedlings. I couldn't wait to start my yearly garden. About 16 years ago, I went to a yard sale on my street, a fellow was selling 2 light stands a large and a smaller one with all the trays and paraphernalia. He was trying to grow succulents without success and became disgusted and just wanted to get rid of all his growing stuff, which included timers and a full box of spare grow lights. I asked him how much he wanted for this stuff, and he said 60 bucks, I jumped on it. I set smaller of the light stands up in the basement. I was able to start over 400 plants in that stand.
    The other stand I stored in my barn, never needed it. A couple of years ago, my daughters friend a real handy kid whose help me and the wife with repairs around the house. He was looking for a light stand, my daughter asked me if he could have them, I wasn't using them anymore so I said of course. My daughter had said he was going to convert them from fluorescent lights to LEDs. This kid is a piano tuner by trade, he also owns a music store, but the most amazing thing is he belongs to a vegetable orchestra, he makes instruments out of vegetables I them perform on a new shows, it was really funny watching them play a squash.:)
  6. Tony Page

    Tony Page Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    I got up really early today.I must have been in the pious mood. You may not agree with everything I say here, but they're just my thoughts.

    Christmas Beginnings
    He was born in a Manger in a bed of animal feed
    He came to teach us, we were in need
    He never owned more than the clothes he wore
    He saved us, whether rich or poor,
    He taught us how love and peace can open heavens' gate
    He taught us to believe in God and have faith
    He died a horrendous death, so God will forgive our sins
    He withstand pain so our new life could begin


    I understand the resentment against commercialism at Christmas.
    I have a different take on it because of the commercialism we have the largest birthday celebration every year for a man who died over 2000 years ago. No one else is celebrated in this way. The amount of joy and celebrating within families and Friends can only be attributed to a God.
    What better way to show love then to give a gift. It says so many things, the fact you took the time and tried to find the right one, and sharing the time to open them together, it's the Christmas mood, it's wonderful.
    No matter how small there is still a religious aspect to it. Many will go to church, many will set out Nativity scene as part of their Christmas decorating, and many will pray. Only a God could have a birthday celebration that spread out over so many days for preparing, then family get together. Though there are fewer of us, my family still has the ("come see my tree") get togethers.
  7. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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  8. Tony Page

    Tony Page Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    Yes, we have our calender up, my grandkids have marked the first day, the countdown begins.
    One of our 2 nativity sets got broken during the fire, we got a replacement in the mail yesterday, it's very nice.
  9. Tony Page

    Tony Page Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    My daughter went to a Christmas Fair yesterday she picked up a silhouette of the nativity made out of wood. It's about 2 1/2 feet tall, it has the Manger with a star at it’s peak, and inside the manger is Mary, Joseph, a crib with baby Jesus. It has lights on one side, and the star only shows on one side. My daughter added more lights and made a star out of cardboard and aluminum foil for the back side. Now it looks good on both sides it's perfect for one of our bay window that face the street.
    I watched George C Scott version of The Christmas Carol last night with the usual teary-eyed at the end. It had one scene that I never noticed in any of the others. With Scrooge and the ghost watching, Cratchit comes home from church and tells his eldest son that he met someone at church who offered the son a position (job). Scrooge got annoyed and felt he was trying to be shown up by paying a child so much money.
    This morning, my wife is continuing to decorate the house. She says she will be finished by tomorrow we can then go over the gifts we got and what we have to get. In the meantime, I don't have a car so I'm kinda stuck in the house, I'm hoping to work outside a little bit today.
  10. Tony Page

    Tony Page Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    Like a lot of seniors my age, I didn't care for most of the subjects taught in school. I particularly didn't like English. Why did I need to know what an adverb is or where to use a semi-colon, or " i before e, except after c". I still don't know most of it, I never got where the proper place to use there or their. I only wanted to learn what I was interested in. I didn't care for geography, some of the history I did like, most I didn't, reading stories I didn't like was boring. I would say to my teachers why do I need this stuff, I'll never use it, there answer "you'll be a well rounded person" or " you'll need it to get a job". I started learning to read before "See Spot Run" school books. I remember asking my parents while I read, "What word is this?" I always like to read, but it had to be what I was interested in.
    I'm going to search online again today for a car. My wife has an appointment with the oncologist on Monday, so either I rent one or buy one to take her.
  11. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    May 29, 2020
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    I was ever good at history...too much memorization of random dates. I've tried to fill that gap in my knowledge, and The History Channel did a reasonable job until they became the WW2/Vietnam War channel. I still have more gaps there than I can count.

    I also never liked poetry. If the teacher has to explain what the author means, then the author's communication skills are deficient.
    Don Alaska and Tony Page like this.
  12. Tony Page

    Tony Page Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    I went to a vocational high school, My main course of studied was Radio - TV - Electronics. In my senior year, I had a class, American History with a teacher I like a lot, Mrs Rosen. She made the subject interesting. I was task to recite the Gettysburg Address, the class pick me the winner of a debate, between the Federalist and Democratic-Republican Party. I was the Federalist. That was the first year The powers to be decided to give regents exams to vocational schools, who were not known for their academic achievement. About a week after taking the region's exam, I was walking down The hall, and Mrs. Rosen, ran up to me and gave me a crushing hug, I was the only student to pass the American History regent in the school.
    Music was my 1st love from when I started to walk, however Electronics was my passion, I was playing with it fixing radios and TV's well before I took the Radio - TV - Electronic class in HS. My teacher assigned me the job of tutoring a deft and dumb student to teach the class and shop lessons. Ron couldn't talk he made sounds, after awhile I got to understand there meaning. I taught him how to solder, test radios and TV's etc. Most times I explained to him by writing it down, I also use hand gestures. An awkward moment happened when I went to open school night with my parents. Ron parents were their, I was afraid they disliked the job I was doing. Ron must have pointed me out to them, they came over to me and gave me such a heartfelt thank you, shocked I had no words to say. On the way home in the car. My father said how come I never told them I was training someone. I said the teacher asked if I would help him I said "yes".
  13. Tony Page

    Tony Page Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    We had a little excitement on my street again last night. 4 house down the street from my house, there is a large metal gate that's an entrance to a large senior citizen complex of apartments. It is well landscaped inside and outside of the gate. Seniors from the complex will come there to smoke, last night one of the tossed cigarettes started a fire in some of the shrubbery it travel to one of the cars parked not far from there and into a neighbor's sheds. Fortunately, it did not reach their house. My grandson is friends with the neighbors son. They're schoolmates and have had play time together. About 2 weeks ago, we had a trailer truck knock down 2 electric poles across the street. I think it's time to call an exorcist for this street.
    My daughter's been out of work since last week with flu like symptoms, a blood test came back that she's has an infection, also said that it was a possible Lyme disease. We have since found out that fifth disease can also give a false reading for Lyme's disease.???
  14. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    We use 1st year teasel root for lymes disease. It has no side effects but tastes terrible. I preserve it in vodka. You can buy it online but it is pricey. Other things for lung issues.
    Tony Page likes this.
  15. Tony Page

    Tony Page Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    I came across this on line. I really like it but I don't have the property size for it and I'm too old. I believe the below video was made by Temu, maybe it's sold elsewhere. Rather then try an describe it check out the link.

    Don Alaska and Yvonne Smith like this.

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