Have you heard of smashwords.com? They are a self-publishing site and they have one of the most biggest seller base I'v seen. CreateSpace.com is from Kindle, but if you got to amazon.com and want to go to their special offers, you got to have Kindle exclusively handle your books either can be in e-book and print. Well you got choices for self-publishing. Good luck on your writing hobby. (you're welcome in advance.)
What a nice hobby of knowing how to play the harmonica! I like to hand knit and crochet when I can find the time. Mostly now I don't have the time. We are cleaning out our closets and selling what we can or donating what we can now, so not in the mood for hobbies. I made an afghan from leftover yarn and it keeps our family warm when we need it though it's hardly ever used for the tropical weather is not all that cold. Everyone has nice hobbies.
Ever since I was in high school I already had this passion for cooking. That is why as I grew up to be an adult it is my hobby to cook something special for my family especially if we had family gatherings or get together they always asked me to prepare and cook my special recipes. That is why when I got married I had no problem when it comes to cooking. Aside from cooking my other hobbies are reading and writing to keep my mind buzzing!!!
4-H and horses? Did someone say "horses"? When I was a teen and when I first met my wife: Teen: 4-H (High School) and helping on our hog farm. While in the Navy I was in a rock band. Some years after the Navy, got very interested in rodeo and horses. Went to my first rodeo and got hooked. Was going to be a Saddle Bronc Rider, until I found out how good I was with a rope. Bought a "roping" horse and went to a Roping School. Yep, a Wrangler jean, Roper boots and Resistol cowboy hat wearing dude......and loved it. BTW, wife loved it too! We both still wear Wrangler jeans and I still have one of my Classic Rope Company ropes from back then. Still have our Resistol cowboy hats as well. Even worked as a Trail Guide for awhile.
I guess shooting targets would be my #1 hobby but my main friend lost interest in it recently I do not hunt anymore game that is except for coyotes as they kill my newborn calves and mama cows at birth that is it for me shooting targets is my hobby now way over 50 years here there are very many in my club that do this but none on a regular basis as I do so. Yet other than my past friend none are as serious as I am about shooting matches and targets. We just do not stand and shoot bullseyes but re-create police shootings with movement etc. We obtain actual police reports from our LE members.
Good evening to all- It seems that my latest recreational activity is flying drones and small radio controlled airplanes. It makes my heart rise up to do a good takeoff and then fly the pattern and moves I want and then come in for a smooth landing. And it doesn't happen that way all of the time. I really enjoy this kind of flying, I do. you all be safe and keep well- Ed
Be sure to keep the drone far away from your wife’s gardens, @Ed Marsh . Bobby was having fun with his and it went somewhere unexpected and chopped the blossom off of one of my irises. I have (of course) teased him about that ever since. The next time, he took it out in the back yard, and it got away and almost went across the road and into Redstone Arsenal, which would NOT have been a good place for the drone to go.
Good evening to all- Ms. Smith- I find it very interesting that Bobby and I share some of the same activities and find pleasure in them. I must confess, i have never crashed any of my drones in the garden- I have in the past crashed into trees and fences. Generally today I just take off and fly up up and away and look at the world from above. Since I live in a very rural area, there are few restrictions on my flying. I reckon living around Redstone Arsenal might present some serious drone flying problems. you all be safe and keep well- Ed
Some of me of my hobbies are, jewelry picture making, have done a horses head in jewelry, and a couple of flower pictures, coin collecting,Macrame,old computer disc decorating, into hanging discs,I made some greeting cards using cold porcelain flowers i made, the recipe is on the net for cold porcelain. And recently coloring in books with glitter pens.I love having a go at all sorts of craft.
Hmmm, I don't know if this would be considered a hobby but I've always wanted to learn the piano. Over the years thrift stores and the flea market have made it possible to obtain learn-to books and a really fancy keyboard and a table/stand for it. So now I'm ready to learn and practice.
I suppose my hobbies are gardening, cooking/baking, and reading. I'm in the mood to start baking bread again.