Well, I already have enough Aerogardens and a stash of spare parts to last me for the next decade, so to hell with Kamala.
I harvested a dishpan full of bok choy and tatsoi, so we'll be having stir fry for dinner today. I also trimmed all the tomato plants (veranda reds and totem) and noticed blooms on some of them so it's time to set up the fan. I also have several baby Iznik cucumbers so I did some trimming on that vine and got it clipped to the trellis. I pinched back some lower leaves on the banana peppers. I started with 2 AG pods of peppers but when I thinned them I moved the culls to their own baskets so now I have 5 banana pepper plants. I still can't bear to throw the culls away. I picked a small bowlful of cherry tomatoes from the plant in the kitchen. That little plant is 8 months old and still going strong. I am back to my happy place with AGs. Having the small plants appear and thrive, and getting to spend hours a day puttering with them is so relaxing. I didn't realize how much I have missed it.
This is day 4 for a new variety of cucumber that I'm trying. Seeds are the very definition of "a miracle."
Just thought I'd mention that Amazon's early Black Friday sale includes a lot of Aerogarden stuff. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=aerogard...ix=aerogarden,lawngarden,159&ref=nb_sb_noss_1 I couldn't resist picking up one more Bounty Elite since Aerogarden is shuttering the business.
Beth that is a neat system, we really liked hydroponics when we used greenhouse, keeping temp right was a pain for us old folks. Inside like yours would be doable. So may try that soon as we get ready for winter.
I planted a new variety of chard today called "perpetual spinach." I will be curious to see what this is like; if it is similar to spinach or what. I'm also growing a tomato variety called "home slice," which makes me think of jive talk. "Whazzzup home slice??" (I don't know... my mind just works that way. Does anyone still say "jive talk??") The new cucumbers I'm trying are called April F1 and the plants have really BIG leaves. If they produce well I will try them again in a different Aerogarden setup and more light.
Beth Jive reminds me of Bee Gees 'Jive Talking'. I do want to start back to some gardening, do use artificial light on your Aerogarden? I do need to start some of our tomato and greens in peat pellets real soon add others veggies later. I wish we had of added solarium or greenhouse when we built house easier to control climate.
Aerogardens come with everything you need to grow indoors, @Marie Mallery . They are hydroponic, and have a top with lights that is movable as the plants grow. They use little sponges that you put the seeds into, and then the aerogarden aerates the water around the sponges and keeps everything at the right temperature for the seeds to sprout and grow. They are completely climate controlled, you just put the seeds in , add the water, and let them grow, pretty much. https://www.amazon.com/AeroGarden-Harvest-Indoor-Garden-Hydroponic/dp/
Aerogarden itself is closing down by next year, and they have some on sale right now, so if you are thinking of getting one to try, now is an excellent time. There are other brands that are similar, but Aerogarden has always been the leader and the best one. It is good to start with one and see how you like it, and then add more as you find space for them. Maybe out on your porch would work for you if you do not have room inside ? The one I added the link for is on sale right now for $45, so really cheap and a nice size to start out with.
Here's an update on the "April F1" cucumbers. This is at Day 46; they are almost ready. And this little tomato plant is looking kind of scraggly, but still producing tons of tomatoes...
This is why I love the Aerogardens... I can walk through the dining room and pick a handful of tasty little tomatoes every day. These are called "Veranda Reds." I have 5 gardens going with different varieties of small tomatoes. This is the "Homeslice" plant that hasn't bloomed yet but I'm anxious to see how it performs in an AG. I'm also harvesting green onions, cucumbers, tatsoi, and banana peppers.
I got an email update from Aerogarden. Apparently they are going to "relaunch" in the Spring so that business shutdown didn't last long. No details yet on what happened (buyout?), but I'm glad they will stay in business for now. Plus, I got some deals when they were going out of biz so that was nice.