Citizen: "Why did you pull me over, Officer?" Officer: "Because you are required to have the shoulder thing that goes up buckled."
I heard that the first lawsuit against the City of N.O. has been filed. Just what is it with people who can't wait for their "loved one" to be buried before the money grubbing begins? Is everything always someone else's fault?? I hate society. People are so crass and greedy. (Obviously deep in "mourning". UGH)
Yeh, done for the right reasons, lawsuits are about the only thing that makes people meet their duties. The other extreme are the people who empty a bottle of water onto the floor in the grocery store, lay down,and start to scream. I gotta think those folks had enterprising attorneys calling them before the bodies were cold.
I think the lawsuits should hold the mayor and the Police Supervisor liable. That would make people pay more attention to the duties of their jobs. I think the Police Supervisor should be fired as well, since she was the one responsible for allowing it to happen.
On the other hand,'song', If the police do their jobs, they are either racist, profiling or use excessive force to stop some thug from hurting them. I don't think some stupid ass should ask so many questions when pulled over or play the victim card. Most police don't go to work hoping to attack someone. Many cops are in jail that shouldn't be, and many lawsuits should never make it past the ambulance chaser's desk.
But that still doesn't explain the lack of barriers inb crowded areas, and the fact that the Police Supervisor who is supposed to be responsible for them not even knowing they exist.
Yes, I guess now in the shithole of a nation we need to go to extremes to stop all the psycho's from killing us. We need to build more mental institutions to put them in. Totally close our borders for a few years and get rid of DOE and other whacked out liberal gangs that is putting out more WOKE citizens. I can't believe how much this nation changed in last 50 years or more. Then again so has the whole world, I guess. Looks like the Bibles end times is here. It is frustrating to hear it over and over again on the news.
I used to trade stocks and I noticed there was a HUGE amount of short selling before September 11 so 'somebody' knew it was going to happen.
It has happened many times in many nations. How did Hitler turn Germany into a nazi state? Seems some people are really good at being worshipped. Benito Mussolini, Pol Pot more recent the tire neckless queen in Afrika just to name a couple, More recent the tire neckless queen, Winner Mandela.
I guess it depends on the object of the suit. If you want to profit from the deaths of your loved ones, then sue the city, but if you want others not to suffer the fate of your family, sue those responsible.
I agree and if you ever heard the Rebecka Roth story a retired stewardess, you'd know it was an inside job. She did have it free on YouTube but it was so popular she wrote a book about it a couple years ago, so may not be able to read it now without buying the book, not sure.
Just follow what Nancy Pelosi does. She has all the inside trading information that is illegal for the "commoners". Just follow her trades, and you will probably be rich.