I walk every day to feel better mentally and physically. Warm months I walk in the mornings, but now that the weather is cooling down, I'm walking in the late afternoons. Today I start at 3pm or so, this way after my walk I can also have enough daylight to work some in the woods.
I try to do a bit of time on the treadmill in the winter and I get outside if it isn't terrible. During the summer, we are outside almost all day. I can't go for long walks any more, but it is said here that people who don't get outside in the winter go nuts. Maybe I am already there
Treadmills are good but being out here I need to get out of the house so I walk and work in the woods, plus housework of course. Don I can realty tell if I skip a day outside.
A wealthy friend says he stays here in the winter when the air is cold and clear, but goes to Hawaii when it gets dark and stormy. He says the air here seems so much cleaner that the air in Hawaii.
I can believe that Don. Here in Florida the air is cleaner than some states north of us, ocean breeze helps.
Ocean breezes in Hawaii are fine too @Marie Mallery but the "crispness of cold air just isn't achieved is tropical and sub-tropical areas. Even though the air is clean, it still has a "heaviness about it that clod air doesn't have. I am sure that is what my friend was referring to.
LOL of course it is, did you think I was thinking when I answered.  Lately my mind isn't as good as it once was, another song. RIP Toby Keith.
I missed half my walk yesterday and I've put it off till now, not a good idea, so I'll be back later if Yosemite Same here don't shoot me!
I've started walking every day again, not the 10-15 mile walks I was doing few years ago, but I'm building it back up. I started by walking around a couple of blocks to where I'm walking 2-3 miles a day now. When that doesn't make me sore anymore, I'll increase it. My new Apple Watch encouraged it because it offers an easy way of tracking. I think I feel a little better already.
I once did at least 5 and somedays 10, but this year I cut back to 3 with the last stretch a steep hill climb.
It is hard to walk outside when it is 15 degrees with North winds blowing. In my younger years, it may have not stopped me from walking. But I am older and not too motivated to get out when it is very cold----or too hot, rainy, windy, or humid. Goldielocks syndrome. On days like today, I look out my window and visualize myself walking around the area. The walk was invigorating! I guess I will need to go to the recreational center again and walk the indoor track. It's boring walking inside but the climate is good.
That is why I wear ski thermals and several layers. Only thing uncovered is my nose. I should get one of those nose mask. By specs, I should be able to take 20 below, but any single digit temp and I get much too cold. I will walk out in anything above 10 as long as it isn't icy. I hate wearing traction devices. Years ago I could work out in below zero with less layering, but after passing 70, my body made a change and can't take either low or high temps.
My goodness Ken! I don't even walk a mile a day on my trail;s walks but I if I add all the walking I do all day. I have a step counter and get in from 7000 'one time' but usually can do at least 5000.
I agree, Jake will complain sometimes about being too hot while sitting dressed up for cold weather, or vice versa for hot. he is wearing layers more now. I tell him wear layers.