A George Soros Sponsored Organization In Canada

Discussion in 'Conspiracies & Paranormal' started by Don Alaska, Mar 19, 2024.

  1. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    This organization is beginning a voluntary program to house people, but it wants things to become mandatory. Canadians seem to be just going off the deep end. A trial balloon for the U.S.?

    5. You'll own nothing and be happy. The inverse of course is that the state will own everything.
    This little program is a key part of the move from private property to state assigned property,
    just like in the Soviet Union, they moved people from single homes to brutalist high rises and
    badly built ones. What the COMINTERN in Canada is calling, "Densification and
    Intensification". This is freaking scary. Note the language. It has two tells. 1. Diversity. They
    want to diversify your own home. 2. "Unlock" your spare bedrooms. Chrystia Freeland, the
    Deputy PM, Minister of Finance and board of directors member of the WEF also explained that
    Canadians had billions in savings she was going to "unlock". This is unlocking your home.
    Unlocking Canada's hidden housing supply.
    Our mission at Happipad is to help unlock the 12 million bedrooms sitting empty
    every night across Canada, transforming these rooms into an affordable and in-
    clusive form of housing supply. By helping those with extra space find housing companions that need a place, we are creating happier, healthier, and more sustainable communities

    What starts as voluntary ends with mandatory. Vaccines anyone? Conspiracy theory to fact in
    weeks. The media has been playing its role in the dialectical bomb of negation of the people
    and culture by replacement migration. It does so by endlessly reporting on the tent cities that
    appear at Toronto City Hall and elsewhere. The solution the state wants, is a building boom,
    and densification of urban areas and the end to private property. The media NEVER says stop
    the massive tidal waves of illegal mass migration. Problem reaction solution. Thesis, counter
    thesis, synthesis. The communist incepted dance of dialectical destruction of us all by using
    what George Soros calls, "reactivity". The same thing terrorists use when they plant a second
    round of bombs to kill the first responders to the first round of bombs. If they know what you are
    going to do in response to their actions, they can do a lot more damage. Even better when
    what 'we' do is pre programmed by them. This is the role the CBC, CTV and Global play.

    If you want more info, go to happipad.org

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