Every account I read of this event has different "facts". Some say 300 or more were killed, yet a 2001 study said it was 36, 12 of which were white. Some say the black group showed up to spring Rowland out of jail, and the white group showed up to stop it, others say the white group wanted to lynch Rowland and the black group was there to stop it. Some mention bombs dropping from airplanes, others point out how unlikely that would be in 1921. Some say there was clearly an assault and/or rape, or otherwise why would Rowland flee the scene. Others say that there wasn't any assault because Page did not press charges. Some say that the area that was burned down was a wealthy "Black Wall Street", others say that is was mostly low income folks who worked as domestics for white families, plus a few businesses that served those domestics. (Rowland was a shoe shine person.) I dunno. I wasn't there, and even those that were there gave vastly different accounts of the events.
What is wrong with that story is, it's the modern version that is being pushed. It it was a version from 1921, then it would most likely be believable. These modern versions are just REVISED HISTORY.
I posted a video over in the “hate speech” thread which had Officer Tatum (a black man) giving the account of the Tulsa whatever it was. I wrote “whatever it was” for the simple fact that it wasn’t a massacre but there was a riot.....from both sides. The bottom line I would like to get to is here we have Joe Biden who said the eulogy for Robert Byrd, a major hitter with the KKK, giving a speech about how terrible white supremacy is. He’s a total hypocrit but there he was stirring the pot with the Black Panthers looking on and applauding his every word. Tulsa was 100 YEARS ago and Biden is suddenly all about how terrible the white race is whilst we have BLM, The Black Panthers and Antifa tearing up more property, ruining more lives, killing more people and setting fire to more buildings in the last few years than had happened on that most world shaking day a hundred years ago. To heck with Tulsa and 100 years ago! I want stuff fixed that is happening now and every day but I know it won’t be because that’s the way the left wants things to be. When Biden says unity I almost shiver because I know that he’s dividing the country even more than the way Obama left it.
I think if any resperations were to be made it would be to the successful people who created and avanced this all black town know asBlackWall Street. Enough history for me to know it was wrong. I think whoever benefitted from this evil should have to pa evry cent back.Otherwise I think the first black Americans who want resperations should ask Africa who sold their people all over the world to give it first and foremost,Plus the Arabs also had their hands in it too.
I was not going to bring this up. It is a little like Archie Bunker saying that some of his best friends are black in that The Jeffersons put up with him. There are ass h*les of any color but the majority of America was moving forward without BLM, taking a knee, turning away at the Olympics. In our subdivision, we have a Japanese family, a Korean family, a Hmong family, a mixed race family...As far as I know, we are all fine with the neighborhood. I am renting to a nice bi-racial family. If all these people act socially, color/religion does not matter. Yes there are bad events in history and in today's headlines. Enforcement of the law is the answer but no one is taking responsibility. Why can't everyone see that instead of listening to and perpetuating race problems. Do they know the definition of illegal? i.e. illegal aliens?
Somehow I missed your post and agree with most of it,except I do think Black Wall Street was wrong and those people lost everything in Tulsa. But I'm also tired of politics and religion in this Woke nation where the only one race and religion is allowed to be attacked. I can't change it and neither can anyone else. I don't care if people disagree with me but it can be dangerous to speak out.
Thats a good idea a post about the black Americans we admire and who actually like America. I can think of plenty of them starting with Sheriff Clark, Ben Carson, Candice Owens and many more I can't think of right now.[We are washing the mildewed walkway] so can't get into it mush now.