Best Oils for the Brain: Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Grape Seed Oil and others. Which ones to Avoid: Coconut oil, olive oil, grape seed oil: which is best for brain health? - Neurotrack Blog Just like with cardiovascular health, certain cooking oils have properties that can support good brain function. Here’s what everyone concerned about brain health should know. Absorb the above Info. Personally, I've gotten good doses of Grape Seed Extract daily for decades and the best oil are in the Seeds.....and people spit them out. Sad too, so uninformed on good health tips.. Had a big shocker yesterday from a friend and a fella she knew for 18 yrs, they were such good friends, and he's in a home for advanced dementia people, he does NOT remember her. He was a sports jock: swimming, tennis, biking but neglected his brain and I believe it dried out with aging. Work on all you can learn to keep a good brain. __________________
Just reading the rankings of Dementia/Alzheimers cases in the world and 3 countries that come in low are Italy and Greece (olives) and Philippines (coconuts). U.S. is in the quite high area as the push in the U.S. is no fat, low fat, and use the cheap junk bad oils. Richest country and sickest.
Drink plenty of coffee and you won't have to worry about Alzheimer's. -- Alzheimer's Net, Then again, Medical News Today disagrees. Oh, but, on another day, another Medical News Today author says that coffee can prevent Alzheimer's. That said, I agree that it seems reasonable that olive oil could have benefits, as well. After all, USA Today says so, and, while the verdicts are all over the place when it comes to coffee, pretty much everyone agrees that olive oil can be helpful. It's a good thing that's what I've been using for cooking for years now, as well as eating a lot of olives. And I'll keep drinking coffee just in case. Personally, I think that coffee needs a better publicist.
Such an odd disease, I would love to know the complete story. There’s also the genetic component.
My mother had Alzheimer's and then dementia, and she drank tons of tea her entire life. She was also on statins, which can be bad once you get dementia. I wonder what the rate of statin use is among those countries you cited, @Joy Martin
Like COVID vaccinations, statins seem to be an agenda drug, one that the government and the agenda people are pushing, for whatever reason, so it's hard to find the truth when it comes to agendas topics. In 2021, the Society of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging published an article stating that... Today, that article has been removed from the site... But you can read it in the Wayback Machine. However, when it comes to olive oil, no one seems to disagree as to its health benefits.
My folks, their folks used OO every day, light coffee and in late life, they drank 1 cup Sanka a day. I'll spend a little more for quality oils, I don't support tech world much at all.