First of all, I've seen Billy Bush when he was on Access Hollywood. He joined NBC Today awhile back. I didn't realize he was related the THE Bush family - his father is President George H. W. Bush's brother. Anyway, Billy was in the bus with Donald Trump on the now famous tape, and he was recently suspended indefinitely.
FWIW, and I tried vainly to secure more concrete info on this, Billy Bush appears to be the "Bunky Bush" referred to in Unintended Consequences, a novel by John Ross, in which it is contended that Bunky secured information regarding American's thoughts and feelings regarding then President George Bush's cancelling his lifetime NRA Membership. Right up to the "wire", Bunky had been trying to contact the Presidential Candidate, to warn him of the possible loss of the election, unless he signs back up with the NRA. He failed to reach him in time. It was estimated that reinstatement of Bush's NRA Membership would have garnered at least 6 million votes, more than enough to secure a victory. Frank
I imagine CNN was concerned that someone might notice that they were lambasting the person responsible for one side of this conversation while employing the other.
I don't watch any of these shows and don't care one way or another about Billy Bush but maybe Hollywood should start laying off everyone who talks like that off camera. There would be nobody left.
I don't watch any of these trash libtard channels either. same ole crap over and over. their like parrots in a cage and someone trains them. Polly want a cracker?? on CNN last last night there was some really grim faces. talking with heads down to the table. pathetic.
Same difference. I don't follow the Democrat news networks too closely. Or at least not pretend to be shocked over one side of the conversation when their guy was participating in the other side.
What about the girl with the nice legs that said she'd "do" both of them? Might as well be she a slut? Don't know if she said "do" but it was similar.
Gotta admit I usually don't even bother to click on threads about people or situations I'm not interested in.
OTOH, if someone is obsessed with following someone around, well, (shrug). Anyway, all that aside, for those who might be interested...or kind of surprised me that Billy is part of the Bush family (hmmm, Republicans) because the few times I've seen/heard him on Access Hollywood he seemed kind of goofy (not that there's no goofiness in the Bush family). I rarely watch the Today show, but IIRC one of the Bush daughters (Jenna? ) has been on the Today show for several years.
I hardly see where they (TV networks) can be self righteous in view of the crud they pass off as entertainment.
So true @Shirley Martin. That's why I don't get it and it's not just recent...Howard Stern has been around for ages. Now you have all the shows on Bravo...YIKES!