I think that the BLM/Democrat movement is about to sabotage their self. The latest thing that they have declared to be part of white supremacy, and want removed, is anything pertaining to Jesus (which basically means anything Christian) removed, taken down, or destroyed. The democrats have gone a step too far with this idea, in my opinion. It is not just white people who are Christian, but almost ALL of the other races, black, Hispanic, and even a lot of the Asians here are Christian, and none of them are going to support the removal of their religious icons, statues, or paintings. Democrats of all races are going to be up in arms about this, and leaving the party, even when they have been democrats all of their life. They lost a whole lot of lifetime democrats when they pushed the abortion bill so hard, but this is going to upset even the Christians who stayed after that . https://trendingpolitics.com/shaun-...-removal/?utm_source=appnotify&utm_medium=app
Well I never heard of the guy, He is not wrong however. The Iconography does depict all the biblical figures as Europeans. It is a stretch to say it is racism by design though.
I think that people would agree that the paintings we have, most (if not all) painted by Europeans, do not depict what Jesus and other Bible people actually looked like, just like we also know that Jesus was not born on December 25th, when we celebrate Christmas. It has nothing to do with white supremacy, and everything to do with Christian religion and culture. There is a big difference from saying that the paintings are incorrect; and rioters breaking out stained glass windows from churches, and desecrating religious images. We have already had whole churches burned down, so it is Totally possible that this further violence would not only be breaking out windows from historic churches (just like they are tearing down historic statues), but also more churches would be burned. The rioters are burning homeless people just because they are homeless, so it is not a far cry to think that burning Christians would come next once they start burning churches. The video of the poor homeless man sleeping on the streets, and the rioters throwing a big firecracker on him which sets his body on fire is horrible to see, and I can’t for the life of me understand how BLM thinks that this is going to make anyone’s lives better ?
The attacks on PEACEFUL Christians has started. This was a group of Catholic Christians just having a prayer group, and they were attacked while doing nothing but praying for their city. They were in a public park in St. Louis, and had gathered together to pray because of all of the death and destruction from the riots everywhere. There is NO excuse for something like this to ever be happening to this poor old man (or to anyone peacefully praying).
Many Blacks will always have a less-than-favorable opinion of Whites, because Nature has endowed them with shorter lifespans, double the infant mortality rate, greater death rates from Cancer, and other things. This is just what I read, and can't vouch for the accuracy. Hal
BLM is a racist statement it should be all lives matter but like this Topsy turby world they are calling everyone else racist
The BLM movement is leaving its mark on supermarket shelves worldwide. Mars Food has announced that it will phase out one of its most well-known brands "Uncle Ben's" rice. I grew up with a commercial of that brand in which a friendly man with a deep voice let rice grains trickle from a fork thus showing housewives what the consistency of high-quality rice should be like after it's been cooked. As a teen, I wasn't aware of some of the subliminal implications of how the man was depicted on the packaging. How should I?
Biblical individuals are more than likely to have been middle-easterners who looked a lot like current day Palestinians, and most are indistinguishable from Europeans.
In a current political add, Biden is shown addressing a church group in one clip, and in another clip Trump is shown holding the bible up in front of the historic Washington church after it was desecrated as if what Trump was doing was wrong. The Dems want it both ways.
Unfortunately, Black Lives Matter don't want to hear about "any other lives matter", including our people in blue/law enforcement. Every year, how many officers are killed by suspects, no matter what race the suspect is. Officers shot/killed while sitting in a van, eating at a restaurant, during a traffic stop and on and on. IOW, being an officer in a big major city today is extremely dangerous and even more dangerous in some high-crime areas of those big-major cities. And, don't be a black officer who has to arrest a black person.
The point of my post was not to say what skin color Jesus (and other Bible figures) had; but that it is terribly wrong for these rioters to start attacking Christian (or any religion) people and desecrating churches, using such a ridiculous reason for doing that. Whether they were white, black, or some shade in between, it is no cause to be attacking people because of their religious beliefs, and destroying ancient and historical churches.
This should be in the news but this video is from to black comedians but they talk more sense than the normal news media. conservative twins