My wife bought a set of sheets from Boll & Branch that cost more than $200, and I thought it was crazy, given that, when I was single, I used hospital sheets, and and hadn't considered paying more than a few dollars for a sheet. However, I have always had a problem with itching at night. I used to change sheets every night, and still it would feel, sometimes, like someone put itching powder in the sheets. I have been blaming the cats, although only one (sometimes two) of them are in our bed with us at night, and on top of the blankets, not on the sheets - and they don't hang out there during the day. Then, there was the fact that I would feel that way sometimes when we were in hotels too, where there were no cats. A few years ago, she bought some sheets that were a bit more expensive than our usual sheets, having a higher thread count, and I had less of a problem with them. However, these Boll & Branch sheets are amazing. Not only is there no itch, but I rarely even turn over during the night, whereas I used to wake up often during the night to turn over or because I wasn't comfortable. I couldn't have imagined what a difference a set of sheets could make. I still think that $200 is a bit much for a set of sheets, but they're supposed to last a long time too, so maybe it's not so bad.
Sounds good....I'm one that's always fighting with my sheets for some reason and I get itchy too but always thought it was my dry animals in my bed so that's not it. Maybe I'll save my pennies and try them. How do they feel? Silky or more like regular sheets?
I know the higher the thread count the better the sheets are supposed to be and of course the more expensive they will be too. But I've never really bought expensive sheets or thankfully had an itching problems with the sheets I have bought throughout my life. I am glad Michelle's expensive sheets stopped your itching Ken. It is bad enough that as we get older we find it harder to sleep as it is...and I can't imagine adding itching sheets to this too. Ask Michelle if she has a solution for "cover hogs!" One sleeps in my bed every night and disrupts my sleep.
I sleep alone, @Babs Hunt yet I'm always losing my sheets and cover. I move around a lot I think. I know I go from side to side a few times a night.
I know these are expensive and I actually thought they would be more than that for a set. I've bought sheets that were unusable for me. I've looked at that website before. May need to look again. Glad they are working for you.
Sheets that are combed cotton are lovely and soft I bought some a couple of years back, loverly Then I ordered another set from Amazon and I accused the seller of them being 'fake' nothing like the sheets I wanted Ordered recently from another company - same problem ! I'll have to get in touch with the name on the label and see what's going on .......
Your new sheets sound lovely; I have not heard of that brand and will go look online. Since I learned how chemically intensive every phase of cotton farming is, I have wanted to buy the organic cotton sheets available online, but the expense keeps me from it. They are supposed to be much healthier to sleep in since we breathe in any stray fibers and chemicals present all night as well as have it against our bare skin, so any residues can be absorbed [supposedly].