Few days back, having received 4 bags of Buckwheat Flour, and wondering how long it keeps on the shelf, along with friend Gary asking "Made them Buckwheat Pancakes yet?", I looked over dozens of muffin recipes. Most used B.W. and white flour 50-50. One had ONLY B.W. I tried it. Called for apples, grated. I subbed Apricots, canned, cut up. Plus, wanted chocolate, so added ~ 2 oz. unsweetened baking chocolate, + 4 Tbs. Splenda. The recipe had NO sugar added. It made 8 muffins, taste typically rather bland for only B.W., but I know it's healthy food, though not low-carb. Foolishly, I took no pics, sorry @Yvonne Smith . Ready to make more, will document better. I do know that Buckwheat is not a grain, derived from "groats", and has beneficial nutritional aspects. Meanwhile, I gotta eat 'em for breakfast, as my wife won't. Frank