It's not what they're saying about paedophiles, it's what they're saying about viewing children as objects.
The fact that this can exist as an open topic of continued conversation pretty much says we're already lost (we are lost, not we have lost.) But this is the time to push it. With everything else that is going on, the system is overwhelmed. The more chaos there is, the less attention each individual issue receives. Expect many more unconscionable issues to arise.
Educate me, John. I'm completely missing your point. Who is the 'they' you refer to? I have an admittedly knee-jerk reaction to pedophilia..
Those who support this horror view children as objects to be used. To me, they are intentionally obfuscated this point. Their entire focus [misdirection] is on the "misunderstood adult." Well, what about the children?
I'll never go into specifics, but I experienced things, saw things growing up and even as an adult that make pedophilia a topic I can't be rational about.
I figured. I was raised in less-than-perfect circumstances. People seem to exit these things either acting it out on others, or swearing they would never tolerate another human being getting treated that way. To see some number of folks so emboldened they would go public with their "issues" is frightening, because abused children have never really had anyplace they can turn...this stuff is looking to slam the door in their faces.
That's really a stretch as far as I am concerned. Something wrong with people who think in such terms.
...from Twitter: KillingMyCareer @MelaynaLokosky · 14h Beau Biden, while Attorney General of Delaware allowed the Dupont heir Robert H. Richards off with house arrest FOR ADMITTEDLY RAPING HIS 3-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER. While home on house arrest, RICHARDS MOLESTED his young son. Your son, Beau Biden, CUT THAT DEAL W A PEDOPHILE.
Danish TV show exposes kids to NAKED adults ... - From the article: The program has been on the air since last year and won an award for the best children’s program of 2019 at the Danish TV Festival. In that time, the show has featured a post-surgery transgender model, a dwarf, and a man with horns surgically implanted into his head. I post satire sometimes and make it clear that it is satire. As bizarre as it sounds, this is real.
I've watched some of the British version and I liked it. I like British tv, Turkish, Korean, Chinese, and more. I think Rickey Gervais is funny!