I don't see our Australia in the map Craig. Seems like Oz is out of the picture for calling a spade a spade. 200+% tariffs! I avoid buying Chinese products now.
Welcome to SOC Terence.. and a fourth Aussie. We are growing. Have you introduced yourself to our members as yet? So do I Terence. Not easy as just about everything in the cheaper price range on a whole range of products is made there as a result of past Australian govt's China trade deals. Australia is not on the map as these Commies target poorer Third World countries. No surprise to see Moscow on there as the exception. Perhaps the cartographers do need to add the Aussie state of Victoria as its far left leaning leader has signed up to the Belt/Road policy.. tho exactly in what context no one knows outside of the Vic govt corridors of power.
Hi all, I live on the other side of Australia to Craig. We are mates on another cyber forum based in the UK. I have similar views on China as Craig but generally politically vote opposite to him which is fine here in Oz. Sport comes first. Eagles soar whilst Swans duck. I'm a conservative socialist, or fence sitter, and still really dislike what the Chinese are doing in our neighbourhood and to us. Their purile mentality treats us as the whipping boy of the US imo, and their tariffs on us are industry destroying. They're bullies, liars, cheats, ...schemers, ....and not true Communists at all. I can't find the word that their society has morphed into but it seems grey and foreboding. Autocratic powerful regime lead by Emperor Eleven! xi the 11. Another President for life like Putin, wannabe Trump, Bolsonaro, Duterte, Urdy, sp?.....it seems to be the time for it but as to why, it's beyound my ken (understanding). The nasty side of evolution perhap? Many nations like Japan, Australia, S Korea plus US forces, Taiwan n several others ...are talking about the threat of China and coalitions seem to be forming. History is full of stories like this which even led to war. Kind Regards to all, Terry Eames (Emmingras, a very old AngloSaxon name, pre Vikings)