This is an old TV sketch from 1962. An elderly lady played by May Warden is giving a celebration dinner for four guests who are all long dead. Her butler played by Freddie Frinton not only serves the food and drink but also plays the parts of the four guests. As the evening progresses he gets more and more drunk. This sketch is televised every New Year’s Eve on prime time in several European countries including Sweden. Interesting fact: although Freddie Frinton often played drunks he was actually teetotal.
That was wonderfully funny @Bibbi Wright I'd never seen it before! I laughed so much I probably woke some of my neighbors
Hi Cody, yeah, I don't know what took me so long, but I finally got tired of not having any real, social interaction online. The big "F" doesn't have that and that's where I've spent a lot of time. A place where people are actually having conversations Glad to see it's still here and doing so good!