You really should Joy. If you were listening to the UFO stuff, you’d find that most of our advanced medicines and health products come from visiting extraterrestrials. A lot of our tech, medicines, the Stealth Bomber design and even Velcro was introduced to us from those same visitors.
All my years of employment and that was about 40, I worked 5 days, took care of all I had to care for after the work day and evenings I usually turned on tv to watch a LifeTime program or Housewives, National Geo,never got into SLN and barely ever watched Carson so by 11ish I was ready toi hit the pillow for the next day of work..... CtoC came into my life in retirement....
A bit off topic but….. In truth, a Hungarian Chemist named Albert Szent-Gyorgyi discovered ascorbic acid (vit C) in the ‘30’s and published some of the health benefits of it. I don’t think he made it on Coast to Coast though. Perhaps Pauling did but not Gyorgyi although maybe Jack LaLanne, a heavy proponent for the use of vitamin C is another one that Art Bell probably interviewed. Not sure though.
Linus Pauling determined that vitamin C enhanced antigen recognition in B-cell lymphocytes. That led to him being labeled as a quack because he claimed vitamin C helped the body fight all viral diseases and most bacterial ones. It perhaps helped some forms of cancer as well. It is necessary in the formation of collagen, and scurvy is a collagen deficiency induced by a lack of vitamin C. I think Pauling is the only person to have won two individual Nobel prizes. Many, if not most, mammals can produce their own vitamin C, but humans cannot.
I thought his hurry was a bit strange, but two things: 1. I read a report once that said men who were happily married and lost their wives were frequently remarried in a hurry; 2. He was so happy having Airyn as his wife, and 3. He absolutely adored his children.
I have only listened occasionally due to the fact that [here] it does not come on until 1:am and it is on a station that is very hard to receive .
Can I find Coast to Coast radio online @Ken Anderson ? I would love to find decent talk radio, but I don't have a good radio, but some radio-stations are found online as well. Interesting thread, I need to pay more attention to the lists of new posts/replies
I'm not sure, but probably. I have rarely listened to Coast to Coast since George Noory took it over, but you might be able to find out through the website. A couple of online stations carry the old Art Bell episodes of Coast to Coast, as well as his subsequent shows.
I looked this a.m. Ken and I or anyone can get it online it looks like. I'm still groggy so it looks like this just shows "by radio" stations, but they do have some podcasts online. Here's the website: Here's some podcasts: I may spend some money on a decent radio, instead of binoculars because I have a lot of trouble with insomnia, well, even one night is too much because it seems there's not catching up on sleep thanks for making this post, I really miss hearing "talk" shows with different topics. I never liked audio-books because I've never found a good "voice" I could stand listening to. My imaginary voice in my head when I read is better than all of them, lol
This one looks like a good "listen" for anyone interested. I think I'll try to listen to it. It's about: JFK Assassination Revelations / Open Lines
Belll served a puerpose and he was not to Live forever.....there is some good stuff on CtoC regardles s and I tune in to what interests me.....otherwise it's NPR