Here is how it goes....... Me: ZZZZZZZZZ Bladder: nudge nudge ...I need for you to get up and go pee. Me: (glancing at the clock) Can't you hold it? It will be time to get up before long. ZZZZZZ Bladder: I need for you to go now. Me: I don't want to! You will just have to hold it. ZZZZZZ Bladder: nudge nudge! I won't let you sleep until you go. Me: grumble grumble (getting up to go.) Sometimes I can make it wait but mostly it's a losing game. How about you? I bet you thought the brain was the most powerful organ in the body.
Well, I am not sure it would be appropriate, but two were "Never pass a bathroom, and never trust a fart...." There is a third, but I don't want to be too offensive @Shirley Martin
If perchance on the rare occasion that I might force myself to wait in a long line, there is no doubt in my military mind that before I even get to checkout I’ll be calculating the amount of time it will take for me to get from the cashier area to that men’s room all the way across the store. Also, I do find it quite uncomfortable but interesting that I can seem to hold it for quite some time until I cross the threshold of the bathroom door. After that, it is a good thing that I can sprint and normally wear “easy to get to” pull ‘em down sweats.
One sure sign of old age is that you never pass a restroom door without thinking, "I 'bout as well pee while I'm here."